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"oh," jisung spoke. "i'm han jisung." he panted from running.

"i'm hwang hyunjin." the boy said, back going against the wall so he could also catch his breath.

"why would you risk doing that?" hyunjin was confused. he had rarely seen others sticking up against harassment at the school.

to be honest he even thought that jisung was going to join them.

and jisung didn't really even have an answer. "i don't know.." he said honestly. "something inside me just made me do it. you okay?" jisung looked at hyunjin's bleeding nose.

"i'm okay," he smiled a bit- even so jisung got a paper towel and ran it under warm water.

he handed it to hyunjin. "why were they bothering you?" he asked.

hyunjin took the damp paper towel and held it under his nose. "i don't know, they've been bothering me and my friend lately. we don't say anything and i hate it. but this time i said something and they cornered me."

hyunjin stopped talking and then pressed his ear against the door to see if he could hear them. "i think they left." he said.

hyunjin looked back at jisung and smiled gratefully. "are you okay?" he then asked.

jisung nodded and waved his hand. "oh, yeah i'm okay. but we should go now, if we get caught here by the staff they might yell at us for not being in class."

hyunjin frowned a bit but then nodded, "you're right. thank you for helping me, i'll remember this."

and with that- hyunjin peeked his head out from the bathroom and decided it was safe to go.

he gave a final smile to jisung before he left first.

the door closed and jisung let out another sigh of relief.

man, he hated this school.

he hated how it was.

going to the sink jisung got some cold water and splashed it on his face.

it felt nice.

he dried his hands and fanned his face for a few seconds, before opening the door to leave.

when he left the bathroom jisung turned around to close the door- but suddenly someone got a tight hold of his hoodie and yanked him.

he got pulled back, and then he saw it was the students just from a few minutes ago.

"there he is." the one grabbing his hood growled, making jisung just stare up at him.

the only thing that went through his head was 'oh fuck.'

quickly jisung brought his arms up to block his face, from seeing the guy draw his fist back for a punch.

"hey." a voice interrupted, making the guy turn around and jisung peek past his arms.

"why don't you stop causing trouble in the halls?"

jisung couldn't help but smile. "minho." he whispered, happy he was there at the right time.

"who the hell are you talking to-"

"i know you three throw cigarette buds off the roof. that's harming school property, and you know the staff would go batshit crazy if they found out. you'll get kicked out." the simple statement made the jock let go of jisung.

"keep your mouth shut." he threatened, but it really wasn't a threat.

the three students went storming off.

jisung looked at them stomping away, and before he could look back at minho with a smile the older whacked him on the head.

"you have to be careful here, remember?" he scolded, pulling jisung back into the bathroom.

"but i saw what happened." minho then said in some kind of understanding.

"they were beating him up. i knew i couldn't take them on by myself either, so i got him out of there."

minho observed jisung for a second.

"i hate how they get away with it. everyone is so violent." jisung said, sighing. "but i'm okay, thanks for helping." he smiled.

minho stared at him for a bit before clearing his throat and nodding. "don't thank me, i wasn't going to leave you there." minho shrugged and started walking out the bathroom.

jisung followed him.

"where do you go when you cut class?" jisung asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"no where really. i just go to the roof or roam the halls." he paused, "the hallways are more dangerous so mainly the roof."

"can i see?" jisung asked.

minho thought about it for a second before shrugging and nodding. "sure."

minho started walking down the hall, and jisung followed where he was going, being careful not to make too much noise.

the two went up the stairs, and then up a ladder that was flat against the wall. minho went up first and jisung wearily went up after him.

minho held his hand out to help the boy up, closing the little pit behind them.

jisung looked out at the view in awe. "woah, it's so beautiful." he let out, the wind being cold and somewhat damp against his face.

"yeah i know." minho smiled slightly before sitting down, back against a structure on the roof. "it's so free up here."

jisung sat down next to him, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. the air felt clear.

there was some thrill that came along with coming up here.

no matter how often minho would come up to the roof, the same slight thrill was always there.

"oop there are the cigarette buds." jisung had gotten up and walked to the edge, looking down at the ground behind the school.

there was a pile of buds mixed in with the dirt.

"yeah. our school is super strict on keeping a good image on the outside, so the punishment for harming school property is really harsh." minho said, recalling the time someone wanted to get expelled so they spray painted the bathroom.

it was illegal in more ways than one so they went to juvie and couldn't go to any school.

"do you smoke?" jisung sat down back next to minho.

the older just shook his head. "no, i could if i wanted to. if i was bored enough. but no. do you?" he flipped the question.

"no but i tried once." jisung admitted.

in his old school there was a circle of students who were honestly really nice.

they passed one around to try a cigarette together (a bad choice) and jisung did try.

he didn't like it so he never did it again.

smoking was a real problem in this school though.

even if the school cared about the outside image the bathroom walls still had a brown tint to them from the tar.

"ahh i see."

"you know, i'm very impressed by you and your friends." jisung started. "you guys are so different. felix has dyed hair! how is that even possible in this school?"

"to be honest he made that decision not in his right state of mind. he came into the school terrified at first that he would be in serious trouble- but all he got was a few looks of disapproval." minho smiled at the memory of felix almost dying.

"and thank you, i like my friends. and now you're one of them too." minho stated, and that made a warm feeling pool inside jisung.

the fact that he had even one person for him in the sickening world made him feel better.

"thanks." he spoke, and minho hummed.

"don't thank me."

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