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eventually, jisung did respond to minho asking if he could help.

it wasn't with words, but with a small nod.

jisung let his grip loosen from around minho, moving back only slightly so that the older boy could see where he was hurt.

before going to check, minho wiped away the tears from underneath jisung's eyes again briefly.

"i'll make sure not to hurt you." the last thing minho wanted to do was cause more pain to him. he was practically hanging on by a thread as it, he didn't need to hurt more.

jisung nodded after sniffling lightly.

minho moved himself so that he could better see. he lifted the end of jisung's shirt and immediately saw a bruise at his side.

there was another red splotch on the other side, and more scattered around. "does it feel like your ribs are messed up?" minho looked up at jisung with concern.

he let out a breath of relief when he saw him shake his head no.

all this time jisung still held onto minho's arm to hold himself up. it was clear he was unable to really move himself or even sit up on his own now.

"...just sore.." jisung whispered.

minho looked at his skin for a little longer before trying to think of how he should treat it. he didn't really know if there was a way to treat bruising in an area like this.

after a few seconds he could feel jisung shiver, so he decided to pull his shirt back down and moved the pile of blankets so that they were back on him.

"i'm not sure if it'll help but i can bring out a heating pad. i'll just have to plug it into the wall and it should help with the soreness. or would you just want ice?" minho tried his best to offer what he could think of. he didn't know what jisung was feeling, so he didn't know what the younger would prefer.

however the offers didn't seem to ease jisung in the slightest. "..don't want you to leave to get it..." he muttered, feeling his eyes water and more tears filling them causing minho to nearly panic.

he immediately wrapped his arms around jisung again. "okay, i won't get it. i can make seungmin or chan get it." he said, feeling almost all of jisung's weight lean into him.

minho called back for them, and chan peeked his head inside. "can you go into the bathroom in the medical cabinet and get the heating pad? he's injured around his stomach and sides and he says he's sore." minho explained, and chan of course nodded.

it took a little while, but soon chan and seungmin came back inside the room with it. they plugged it in, and turned it on for it to heat up.

"do you think we should leave so he's not as tense and stressed? he's really overwhelmed right now and i think he's only fine with being near you." seungmin suggested, picking at the sheets underneath him as he sat on the bed.

"if we leave do you think you have anything else you need though? should we get you more things?" chan asked, but minho shook his head with a smile.

"i don't think i need anything more, thank you. i just think he needs to rest. i'll try to take care of him." he ran his hand through jisung's hair once more. "if you guys are going back to school, i suggest you be discreet. and if you can explain what happened to everyone else."

chan and seungmin both nodded, chan giving a thumbs up as they turned to leave.

on their way out chan couldn't help himself. he leaned to whisper something to seungmin. "they're cute." he said, causing seungmin to nod furiously in agreement.

after they left minho took the heating pad and gently placed it on jisung's stomach being careful not to add pressure anywhere because he could only imagine how much it hurt. he saw the younger visibly deflate, his eyes shutting in what he suspected was relief.

"feels good?" he asked, smiling at jisung's nod.

minho then let him lay down so that he was comfortable in the bed, scooting in next to him to do the same. "try to sleep for a while, okay?" he pulled the blankets more over jisung's body.

"if anything's wrong tell me."

while he was falling asleep, jisung made sure to not loosen his death grip on minho's sleeve under the covers.


a few hours ended up passing, and minho felt himself coming out of sleep.

he didn't even remember falling asleep, but he must have knocked out bad because when he opened his eyes it took a long while for them to adjust.

the room was now dark, and barely lit up.

he sat up, yawning and stretching his back slightly.

he then looked over to his side to check on jisung, seeing that he had barely moved from the last time he saw him but was in a deep sleep.

"ji." he whispered a bit to see how knocked out he was. he didn't respond to any call of his name.

he had looked finally peaceful since the whole thing happened. but there were still streaks of tears on his face, so minho took his available hand to wipe them away with his sleeve.

his eyes were a bit puffy and his cheeks were still a bit red from crying for so long when he was awake.

minho moved the covers slightly to see that he still had a tight grip on his hoodie sleeve.

he frowned a bit. was jisung that afraid of him leaving him alone? he carefully undid the hand from his arm.

however this was what made jisung stir, his eyes opening to sleepily look at minho in confusion as if to ask where he was going.

minho blinked in surprise that the slight motion was able to wake him up. "i'm not going anywhere, i just thought you'd be more comfortable if you had your hand back." he explained with a soft smile.

he realized that he was wrong, seeing that jisung let his head back down on the pillow but looked slightly upset.

without saying anything, minho intertwined their fingers, letting jisung hold his hand while he was falling back asleep. at this; he saw jisung's face relax, and once again he started to look peaceful.

minho decided that a few more moments asleep wouldn't hurt. he turned on his side, facing jisung, and started falling back asleep with him.

living alone for such a long time makes being able to hold someone's hand while falling asleep feel like bliss.

and minho would be lying if he said that doing this didn't also bring him comfort.

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