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Chapter One ;
Sad truth

Naomi Brook POV

I placed my hands over my forehead to block out the sun that shined bright in the sky adjusting my eyes on to my best friend sky who just came out of her house bringing us something to drink.

"You know the whole point of you being here is to go in the pool with me not just chill in the sun" Sky said as she handed me my drink to me.

A small smile made it's way on to my face before laughing at how serious she was being, she knew damn well I couldn't swim because my hair was freshly done.

She also know she didn't invite me over here to swim she just wanted me to bring her paper work from school since she skipped school yet again.

"When your ugly ass coming back to school you've been skipping for the past 4 months now" I said as i sipped my drink and watched her sit in the seat next to me.

"When I feel like it, you know I've been busy lately" She responded back to me.

I rolled my eyes in irritation hating the fact she continues to say she's been "busy" but yet to tell me what she do or where she work, she barley tell me anything.

I only know a few things about her but she know everything about me, it's weird but I never really let it bother me because I was happy that my best friend made time for me.

"You know Georgia has been asking about you asking when you going to let her taste you" I said laughing knowing she hated me discussing Georgia.

Georgia is the girl Sky had a one night with at a party we snuck in to but sky didn't know Georgia went to our school so the following day when she found out she would always ignore her just because she seen it as she made a mistake.

Sky wasn't the relationship type of girl and she hated clingy people which I don't understand since she's the most clingy person I ever met.....well she's clingy with me.

"Please I beg of you not to bring that hoe up I already get harassed with text messages" she said.

"I thought you changed your number again" I said in confusion.

"I did she somehow got that number too" Sky sighed before getting up and plopping on my lap and laying down on me.

"You know I might have to move in a while" She said as she laid her head on my chest.

"What?! No I didn't know this" I said in shocked

"Yup I have to move far away" she said making eye contact with me.

"Where are you going?" I asked with sadness laced in my voice.

"I have no clue" she simply said.

So many thoughts wonder in my head as I wanted to ask why she had to leave but I knew she wasn't about to tell me, she was always so secretive especially when I first met her.

We was only 15 and she just moved in town, she was known as the shy lonely girl who didn't communicate with anyone and I was always the girl who knew everyone but was far from popular 4 years ago I wasn't a treat to the eyes.

I had bad Acne and was over weight, Anyways Sky never told me about her parents just that they was always gone and never home.

There was nights I use to sneak her in my house so she won't be alone in her big house, I just know her parents was rich or something cause she lived in a beautiful  big home.

"I'm going to miss California" she said after there was a silence between us.

I was so deep in thought I forgot she was on me, her arms was now wrapped around me holding me as she buried her face in my chest.

"But I'll miss you the most, I really wanted to graduate with you and college hunt together" she said as I felt water on my chest realizing she was crying.

I wrapped my arms around her hugging her.

"When are you leaving I said" as I chocked on my words trying to hold back my tears.

"I have no clue" she simply said as she continued to cry.

All I could do was cry, it was suppose to be a beautiful sunny day for us but turned to a gloomy day.

I was about to lose my best friend.

The only person who was there for me when I felt alone.

This sucks, I just hope that day doesn't come faster than it needs to come.


I am so sorry for the delay I've been busy like hella busy with my job and school.

I know thats every Wattpad writer excuse but it's true a bih be tired.

But hope you enjoyed the first chapter and make sure to vote and comment for a quick update.

Love y'all

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