Kicks and Strangers

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(Time skip, Wynter is about four or five months now)

        I woke up and Wyatt wasn't there. I came out of our den. Waylon came up to me. "Hey Waylon. Where is Wyatt?" I greeted him. "Wyatt went out there are intruders. They are apparently were-wolfs as well," Waylon answered, looing out in the distance, his one good eye narrowed. "Oh," I looked down. I just have fresh bedding for you," Waylon said. I nodded my head in thanks. "One last thing, I need you to start to come to my den every now and then, so I can check up on things," Waylon explained. "Ok," I mumbled threw a mouthful of bedding. I slipped threw the den. I started to fix up Wyatt's and I's bed up.

       "Hey," I jumped at the sound at the voice. I sighed with relief when I saw Wyatt. "Hey," I sighed. He walked  up and kissed me on the cheek. "You should really start taking it easy Wynter," he told me. I rolled my eyes. "I am taking it easy Wyatt, I haven't done to much, and I think I can make a bed," I told him, with a little bit of sass in my voice. "Ok fine," Wyatt sighed. "So what about those intruders?" I asked him, "were they really were-wolfs?" Wyatt looked outside our den. "I'm not sure. We managed to chase them out for now, but I'm not sure," Wyatt told me. I yawned. "I'm gonna take a quick nap," I kissed him on the cheek. He nodded and kissed me. He went outside.

      I woke up to feel a strange feeling. It didn't hurt. It was like someone was tapping me. I was a bit worried at first, but soon realized the pups were kicking! "You alright?" Wyatt asked looking from his meal. I smiled. "I'm great," I told him. I motioned with my hand for him to come over. He looked a bit worried as he came over. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach. "Do you feel it?" I whispered. Wyatt looked confused, but smiled. He planted a kiss on my lips. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you too," I replied. We were about to cuddle up when we heard something outside.

"Attack!" We heard Willa yowl. We heard the yelps and growls of fighting. "What's happening?" I asked Wyatt. "Stay here!" He ordered. Wyatt ran out. I went to the corner of the den and grabbed my stomach. I prayed that Wyatt and the pups would be alright.

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