Pregnant and going to school.

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I walked into school and Addison ran up. "Hey how are things?" She asked looking at my stomach. "Good, morning sickness is the same. I eat a lot though," I responded. I noticed Zed sneaking up on Addison and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I felt someone kissing my cheek as well. I turned to see Wyatt. I smiled at him. The bell rung. I sighed, I didn't want to leave Wyatt's side, but that bell is telling me I have to. I gave Wyatt a kiss goodbye and headed to class.

       I was sitting in math class, bored. It's like Mr.Lugh was just making up numbers. My stomach started to rumble. "Damn it child,"  I muttered. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. With a little begging I convinced him. I ran towards the bathroom. I wasn't going to make it. I went to the closest trash can I could find. "Hey you alright?" I heared someone ask me. I looked up to  Bree. "Addison hasn't told you?" I asked narrowing my eyes. She shook her head. "Oh well, I'm excpecting, and I have to get back to class, before they start to wonder," I explained. When I tried to walk away, I had the bend my head over the trash can again. Once I felt better I headed back to class.

      I sat down next to Wyatt. It was finally lunch. I was starving! I started to eat my food. "You must be hungry," Bucky chuckled as he walked up. His friend Vince next to him. I had a weird feeling when they were together. Like something more than friends. "Yeah, well I'd like to see you eat for more than one," I snapped at him. "What?" Bucky questioned.  "oops..." I muttered, I turned to Bucky, "yeah you were not supposed to find out yet. Well to late for that, I'm pregnant." Everyone in the cafeteria stared at me. Some with disgust, curious, laughter, and some with worry. They started to whisper about how much of a slut I was. I was trying not to cry. "Wynter are you alright?" Addison asked and put her hand on my shoulder. I shoved it off and ran off.

      I went into a corner and just put my head down. "Wynter?" I heard Wyatt's voice. He sat next to me wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me closer to him. He rubbed my back. "Are you alright?" He whispered, "our friends are worried." I looked up at him. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'm fine," I reassured him. "Your ok with having were-pups?" Wyatt asked me. "Of course!" I exclaimed, "I love you and the pups. I wouldn't want to change this." I gave him a kiss. "Everything will work out. Not a lot of people will except this but, it's not their decision," he told me kissing me back.


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