"AHHHHH!!" I scream, charging at her, pulling back my sword. When I get close enough, I jump and bring the sword down upon her, swinging hard. 

Taken off-guard, she just barely blocks me with her orb. It throws me back, and I land just barely on my feet, but low. One one knee, but my legs were apart.

She took advantage of me being on the floor, and jumped with her fist pulled back. I somersaulted just in time while she punched the ground where I was, burning a hole in the ground. 

Starr, point the sword at her. You will feel power surge through you, and it will channel through the sword at her.

I obey him and point the sword at her. I definitely feel a sudden power shoot through me, to the sword. A purple beam of light shoots at her, blinding and without warning. 

She shouts in pain, crying out. She fights against it, by trying to get up. She hold up her arm to block it, and white light glows from her hand. 

Smiling, she sends another beam of light. Competing with mine. She pushes forward, making me fly backwards. The sword disintegrated in my hands from her power. 

It's okay. There's more I can do. Let power come to your hands. Let it fill all the way to your fingers. Now, look at the moon and take in it's light.

I do so, obeying him. Letting it all come into me. 

In turn, I feel my eyes glow even brighter. I feel the flow of concentrated energy in my fingers, and up my arms. 

Now, look at her and aim your palms at her.

Lucian, please...I-I don't know if she's ready for this much...

Valencia, stop. I know she can. Look at what you made her do when you first came.

True, true, you have a point there...but those were large orbs. This is a full-on beam of power from the moon. That's a very advanced attack. I don't want her hurting herself.


Calm down.

I've taken beatings from people who's strength could've defeated John Cena. I lived this long in solitude with an apocalypse happening. I killed an entire army with a single arrow.

I can do this.

Astra: AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now