Chapter 5

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"We don't usually allow this sort of thing. But since she's here no more... Here you go!" The Principal, Mrs. Gomez says, handing us Jessica's file containing her details.
"Alicia is in geometry, Helga, take them to Alicia." She informs her assistant. "Thank you for helping us!" She adds with a smile on her face.

"We will bring justice to this girl." Jason responds. "Thank you for letting us do our job."

Alicia is Jessica's best friend. She was last seen with Alicia, before she was found dead.

Helga calls Alicia out of her class, and we take her to the cafeteria to have a little chat.

"She said she was going home. There was really nothing strange about her."
Says Alicia.

"And... why did you call her parents later that night?" I ask her, recording the story.

"There's this thing. We always text and let each other know when we get home. I dropped her a text as usual. I waited and waited for about half an hour. She didn't reply andddd she didn't pick up when I called her. So I called her parents. They told me that she didn't come back home. They were looking for her everywhere. I joined them too." She explains.

"She didn't tell you about any plans to stop by the Direive park?" Jason asks her.

"It's on our way home. And we went passing the park. She was with me. I don't see why she would've gone back." She responds.

We thank Alicia for speaking to us, and we take leave. When we get back to the office everyone has already arrived.
We lay down the files of all these five school students who were found dead. Suspected murders.
Take the pictures of these young kids, and stick them on to the panel.

And they start discussing, while I refer to the files.

"We have got no clues! Are these murders? If so, are they even connected?" Allie asks.

"Exactly!" Jerome replies.
And so goes their conversation.

"There has to be something we're missing." Jason replies.

"Actually yes. There is!" I respond, looking up from the files.

"What?" Christine asks me.

"Okay look." I respond.
"It's more like there's a pattern. Jessica's school admission number is 5865." I point to her file.
"Now look at this. Thomas, 6781, Elena, 8262, Celene, 5933, Andrew, 4264, and Jessica 5865. Now I don't know if this makes any sense, or iffff this murderer, if there's one, has got OCD. But these students admission numbers end in a sequence, ascending. 1st Thomas, 2nd Elena, 3rd Celene, 4th Andrew, 5th Jessica." I explain, finally stopping to breathe.

"That's genius!" Jason praises me.

Wait! Did he just appreciate me??????
What. Is. Happening???

"That's actually very cool!" Allie adds. "But how do we know if he has anything else up his sleeve. What if another kid is found dead by tomorrow?"

We all go silent at this. What if?

"Wait! There's more." I say after a several minutes of silence.
"Jeston High, Illentro High, Holvo High, Grey High, Fonmont High. Their schools listed in their death pattern. It's more like descending. Soooo... J1, I2, H3, G4, F5. Last was Jessica from Fonmont High, 5th murder."

"If this is all true, then it's likely that at least 5 more students get murdered. Backwards, until it goes to A10?" Eric shares his opinion with a question.

"I think so." I respond.

"This could be accurate. After all this murderer, whoever it is, leaves behind no clues in the murder sites. OCD? I'd like to believe that." Jason adds. "Let's get started then! Dig up some clues. Let's get to work!" He cheers up the whole team.

Everyone leaves the conference room, smiling and chatting. I pick up my files and head to the door to leave.

"That was impressive!" Jason says again.
I turn around to look at him.

"Thank you. So were you!"

He just smiles at this. And I realise, it's not a smirk, it's a sweet side smile. He runs his hand through his hair and fixes his tie. He's dressed in all black, shirt arms neatly folded into three quarter length, a part of his tattoos visible from under. He checks his watch.
"Let's go." He says, still smiling.
He comes forward and opens the door for me.

Was I admiring him just now? Was I staring? How long was I looking at him for?
How embarrassing!!!!!!

"Thank you!" I thank him, and head out, as if I wasn't admiring him.

Damn it!

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