-Chapter 3-

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Prince George The Third POV
I woke up to loud shouting in my room. "Wake up you lazy swine!" The voice shrieked at me as I sat up rubbing my head. "Wha-?" I asked confusedly as I looked around the room. Finally my eyes settled on my maid, resting her hands on her chubby waist. "Come on! Chip chop! The suitors are arriving this morning and you must be looking your sharpest!" She said walking over to push me out of bed.

As soon as she said suitors I jumped out of bed. I had completely forgotten that today was the day. I ran off to get dressed in my nicest clothes, which were colored golden. I loved them. I changed quickly, and I sat down, deciding to let my maid do my hair today.

Despite hating it in the beginning, I realized there was no way around it, so I embraced it. I actually started to become excited for it! I got to meet the potential love of my life today!

I let out a soft breath of happiness as she came over to come do my hair. She put the curlers in and I realized yet again how horrible this looked. "Ewww!" I said waving her away, and yet again getting myself ready. I tugged the curlers out, and pulled my hair into a low ponytail, letting a few of the hairs escape.

I clicked my tongue, and shot finger pistols at the mirror. "Hey Good looking." I said and did something I had never done before. I left my room without make-up. I just felt so confident today, so why would I need it?

My maid led me down to the main hall, through the kitchen, where servants were preparing a feast. I sniffed the air, relishing the smells.

Soon enough I was in the main hall, and my mother was running over to me to smother me in hugs and kisses. "Look at my little boy, all grown up!" She said happily, and I pushed her off gently.

"Mother stop it, you'll ruin my hair." I said happily. "Oh come now, let's go practice manners and conversation points until it is time." My mother said dragging me off.


Oh wow how time flies. Now, I stood, ready to meet my first potential queen. Holy shit it was about to happen! I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Then a trumpet sounded, to mark the arrival of the first, and my anxiety shot tight back up.

"Welcoming Rachel Of Wanchester!" The guard yelled as a lady, who was a lot older than me, about 14 years my senior came waltzing down. It was easy to see why she wasn't married. She was absolutely devoid of anything pretty. I sighed and went to greet her.

I bowed deeply to her. "Ma'lady." I said as I kissed her hand. "Where is the prince?" She asked me. "I'm right here." I mumbled looking up at her. She had red hair that draped below her shoulders, and ryes of scorching blue. She wore what seemed to be an entire ton of make-up.

"You're the prince?" She rolled her eyes and walked off. I sighed as the trumpet sounded. "Introducing, Madame Helena of Iceland!" The guard shouted and a girl seeming a year above me, but shorter than me ran down the stairs, in a lovely purple gown. She bowed deeply to me, and I curtsied in response.

"Hello Prince George! It's my pleasure to meet you!" She said much to excited in my opinion. "I can tell we'll get along swell!" She said and ran off, already a nervous blushing mess. I sighed as I waited at the foot of the stairs for the next suitor.

A trumpet blew yet again, "Princess Martha of The Russia Kingdom!" She came down, and I gasped quietly. No she wasn't beautiful, she was odd, but she was odd like me. She had blue shining eyes, and white hair that framed her pale face. The only colored part about her was her lips, which were red, just as mine were. I bowed to her and she nodded to greet me.

"Greetings Princess." I said, and she smiled at me. "Greetings Prince. I can see we already have plenty to speak about." She said and simply walked away. I already enjoyed her company, because it is always nice to have somebody who shares a pain with you.

The trumpet must have gone off while I was speaking to her, because another girl was standing in front of me. I looked at her, and I had to stop my mouth from falling open.

She was as pretty as a desert flower. She had short brown hair, and green lively eyes. She wore a simple dress of yellow linen. "I'm sorry Madame, I didn't catch your name." I said bowing and kissing her hand.

"That's alright. My name is Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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