two - intro: long journey

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Night has fallen. 

The tall blond figure quickens his pace as he makes his way across the ship. he is filled with apprehension, for he knows that his confidante will not take the forthcoming news well. he stops in front of the main cabin door, hesitating for just a second before rapping his knuckle against the wood in a sharp knock. 

"Come in."

The familiar voice sounds; and he heeds the request, entering the room and shutting the door behind him. The Captain's cabin is bathed in darkness, save for the glow from the light of a single candlestick on the mahogany table. Its illuminance was just enough for him to see the back of the voice's owner. A small smile graced the blond's face -- the other is wrapped up in thick furs; he must have been freezing. The furry coat he had on only made him look even smaller in size, and impossibly, more adorable. 

The other turns around, breaking out into a wide grin as his gaze lands on the blond. "Seonghwa!" he exclaims, joy evident in his face. "What brings you here tonight? I thought I reassured you that there was nothing of much importance left to do?" He rummages through the papers he has in hand. "I can manage the rest of the work by myself. You should go on and enjoy the evening with the rest. The stars are out; it's a beautiful night tonight." 

"Captain ..."

The blond -- Seonghwa-- opens his mouth, but the words die in his throat. The captain looks lost in thought, his mind far from the present. He can't bring himself to interrupt the other's train of thought. A sliver of moonlight filters in from the cabin porthole, and the captain's features are thrown into sharp relief. Seonghwa had always admired the effortless good looks of the captain. If he were to use a word to describe the captain's visuals, it would be like that of ice: cold, sharp and piercing at first glance; but once you got to know him better, his warm gaze and caring demeanour would simply melt you. 

Seonghwa could stay like that forever; just admiring the captain's beauty, and he wouldn't mind in the slightest. 

"Yes?" The captain revives himself from his reverie, bringing his gaze to match Seonghwa's own. "What is it?"

Seonghwa blinks, brushing off the 'trance' he had been in. "Sir, I have been looking at the coordinates for quite some time, and as a result of our detour, we are -- to put it simply -- stranded, there's no other word for it. There's no other island or landform in sight that we can arrive at before our ship breaks down." Seonghwa pauses, knowing the Captain would not take kindly what he was about to say next.

"We need to dock at Kådara." 

At the mention of the name, the captain stops what he is doing. His hands visibly tremble. Seonghwa immediately regrets his words, as he sees the vulnerability and fear of traumas ages past resurface in the Captain's silver-grey eyes. However, after a moment, the Captain regains his composure.

"Very well." The captain closes his eyes, and when he next opens them, within there is present a hardened, determined look, one that Seonghwa has only seen when bloodshed is inevitable. "It is about time that I faced my demons head-on."

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