Start from the beginning

She was fully dressed in five minutes and she put extra-large clothes on to hide while she snuck out. While turning a corner she saw Liz and the team running from the direction she was going and she hid behind a wall. They passed by but instead of just continuing she could hear some talking.

"I was, uh... I was gonna go study, um, in the business center," Jade heard Peter's voice.

"Peter, you don't need to study. You're, like, the smartest guy I've ever met," Liz said. Peter didn't say anything back so she assumed Peter was blushing.

"And besides... um, a rebellious group activity the day before the competition is good for morale,"


"Um, well, I read that in a TED Talk, so, I-I heard it in a TED Talk. And I read a coaching book," Liz said awkwardly. Jade rolled her eyes, she knew that would catch his attention.

"Wow, you really... This is really important to you,"

"Yeah. It's our future. I'm not gonna screw it up," She said. "Besides, we raided the minibar and these candy bars were, like, eleven dollars. So get your trunks on and come on."

Then some of the team came back for her and took her away. Jade walked the way she planned and started stripping away her cover-ups. She put on the mask and went to the rooftop to wait.

It only took Spider-Man a few minutes to show up on the roof, he looked over the pool's roof to see the decathlon team playing around. Jade knew he wanted to be down there with them, with Liz especially. She frowned at the thought, her chest having a sudden pain. But she shook it off and jumped next to the masked man.

"Why is it always a roof we meet up on?" She asked.

"I honestly think you're following me," Peter said, standing up with a smile.

"That, and because we have alike minds. We started this together, I think we should finish it,"

Peter smiled uncontrollably and looked down at the ground, "I guess so," he said and put his mask on, the spider on his suit glowed just a little.

"Good evening, Peter," the suit said, loudly to Peter but sounded very quiet to Jade.

"Hello? Hello?" Peter asked looking around.

"Congratulations on completing the rigorous Training Wheels Protocol and gaining access to your suit's full capabilities," the suit said.

"You completed the training?" Jade smirked and crossed her arms.

"Uh.. yeah, I did," Peter said dragging out his words.

"You learn quick," She smiled and turned around.

"Ah... thank you," Peter said nervously.

"So where would you like to take me tonight?" The suit asked.

"I, I, put a tracker on someone. He's a bad guy,"

"Tracker located," the suit said. "Plotting course to intercept target."

"Come on. Let's go," Jade said and jumped off the roof.

"Okay, well, as long as I make it back in time for Decathlon, it's fine," Peter said following behind her.

Peter noticed a truck coming by, "Hold on," he said and grabbed Jade's waist, webbed the truck and jumped on top of it.

"Thanks," Jade smiled, blushing.

After an hour or so, Peter finally broke the silence between the two.

"Iron— Uh— Ms. Lightning—"

Iron Lightning [ I ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now