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                    He always had this amused look in his eyes , he was tall , hovering over me , he'd make fun of me for being shorter , and I'd always just grunt in return . That was back when I'd hardly speak , although him and I , always had a conversation , an argument brewing , we'd argue over the stupidest things such as doctor who , or super heroes , yet he was the first friend I'd ever had .

        That April afternoon , years ago when he'd noticed my scars and asked me bluntly if I had hurt myself , I had lied through my teeth not wanting him to be upset with me, although he'd seen through my lies and knew what I'd been doing .

           And after my first suicide attempt , I saw that boy , usually amused , cry for the first time , he looked me straight in the eyes and said he'd never wanted to lose me and to never do it again .

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