The Elf and the Ultima

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Katsuki Pov

I was walking through a field when suddenly I heard A little squeak followed by a scream and then crying. I sniffed the air. Something was here. Invisible? I slightly backed up. "Who's there? What are you?" I saw nothing. But then a little creature that was bleeding fluttered it's wings in front of me. It started to fall. An Elf? I opened my hand and caught it. I walked to a clearing and sat down. The tiny mythical Elf started to breathe heavy. It was bleeding all over my hand. But I didn't mind. I went through my bag getting out a bottle with water. But this water heals. It's not a potion like what others would think because it has a side effect. Plus it looks and tastes exactly like water. And potions have a certain color to what type the potion is. For example healing potions are pink.  Invisibility potions are a dark blue.

I took off the cap and poured some of the water into it. I placed it down beside the little being on my hand. "Here. Drink this. It'll help." The Elf obeyed and drank the water falling asleep. That was the side effect.

An hour later the Elf woke up. "Mmmmmnnn...whaaa...huuh?" I smiled. "You're finally awake." I currently had my ears and tail hidden as usual unless I needed them. "So. Elves are real huh." The little elf got off my hand and grew into a regular size. "The legends are true." The Elf looked at me and smiled as it stretched. "Yup!" The Elf sat down. "So what are you? You can't just be a human. You smelled me before you stepped on me. And humans can't do that." I sighed. "If I tell you, promise me you won't get scared." The Elf nodded with a big smile. "I'm an Ultima. I'm the last alive. People killed off the rest. People think that Ultima's are extinct, or just in legends." My ears popped up by accident. The Elf immediately grabbed my ears and started to pet them. I relaxed sighing happily with pleasure and enjoyment on my face. "You're cute. You like that huh." I started to drool a bit before my ears shot up to the left and I got really tense. The Elf  got confused. "What's wrong?" I didn't answer. My tail popped out signalling that I sensed someone and was in danger. I growled as I poofed into my other form of a wolf. He grabbed my tail as I jumped. I got out of his grasp and started to sniff the ground. I ran into the forest pouncing on something. I dragged it out into the clearing as it was unconscious by the clothes. A...human? I noticed that there was a weapon. I didn't know what it was. I dropped the human's clothes from my mouth as I destroyed the weapon jumping on and tearing at it.  It was broken into pieces. I dragged the human back into the forest really far away. I came back and layed down in front of the elf. "Do you feel that?" I looked up to see a spear lodged into his chest. I turned human and put him on my lap. "Don't worry. Y-you'll be okay...this'll hurt a bit..Okay?" He didn't seem to understand what I am saying. I pulled out the spear and threw it at the attacker hitting him, killing him. I gave the water from earlier to the elf and he grabbed it. But it looked as if he didn't know what to do with it. Instead I took it and shoved it in his mouth causing him to drink it. He placed his head on my shoulder. I smiled and pet his head. I don't know why. I guess it was just instinct and in my blood. He snuggled up to me. 

A few hours later he woke up. I was in wolf form laying down in front of him sleeping as he had my cape on him as a blanket. He sat up and looked at me. I was curled up like any wolf would. I was warm and just enjoyed myself. I started to have a nightmare and wined, and whimpered. I couldn't cry in this form. So instead, I shook in fear. But I calmed down as I was being pet. I still had lots of fear from my nightmare. I turned human again and had my knees up to my chest, curled in a ball. I was able to actually able to cry, so I rocked back and forth with tears running down my face. I was being shaken awake by the Elf. I opened my eyes slowly as I stopped crying. But I still stayed in my one position sniffling. "Are you okay?" I sighed. "I...I don't...I don't know..." The Elf sat in front of me as I looked up at him. I looked back down. The Elf started to pet me. I calmed down a little bit. "What's your name?" The Elf asked me. I hesitated for a moment before answering. "K-Katsuki Bakugou..." The Elf looked at me and smiled before answering back. "Izuku Midoriya." I did a small smile. Suddenly my smile faded with a memory. "You know. I used to have an Elf friend when I was little. He called me 'Kacchan' and I called him Deku because I didn't know his name." Izuku's smile dropped. "K-...KACCHAN!?" I gasped as tears formed. "Deku..."  

We did a big hug and Izuku started to cry. In between breaths he asked me a question that I was dreading. "Where did you go...?" I sighed. "I got forced out...I had to survive on my own..." Izuku gasped. "Why are you out here and not at...home..?" He sighed. "After you went misssing...I went and searched for you on my own..I couldn't just let you be out there by yourself...and I knew you were out here somewhere..but..I finally found you..I was by myself for 10 years. Up until today.." I let go of the hug. "When did you find out you were an Ultima?" I thought for a second. "I don't know. Everything I am able to do links up with what the legends say."

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