Chapter two: a mistake

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Huntington Beach High School was a quaint school in California. It seemed like any normal high school, and it, obviously, was. Brian and Matthew walked to the school as they chatted about the regular casualties.

"So hows your band?" Brian questioned as he studied his fingers.

"S'good. We thought of the perfect band name not too long ago. 'Successful Failure'."

Brian shook his head as he chuckled. "That sounds cringy."

"You're just jealous. Like, who names their band 'Pinkly Smooth'?"

"Me and the guys, that's who. Or should I say 'Rathead, El Diablo, Super Loop, and me, Synyster Gaytes!'"

"....those are fucking shitty names."

"Fuck off matt, at least our band isn't like yours. And it's not like the whole thing is official, yet, but we're working on it."

"Uh-huh, sure, Synyster Gaytes. Such a stupid name, my goddddd." Matt's face cracked a wide smile as he ruffled his hair.

"It's classic, my virgin friend."

"Who're you calling 'virgin'?? I get all the ladies, thank you very much."

"And men."

Matt suddenly stopped and glared at Brian. Brian instantly felt like a deer in headlights.

Waitwaitwait that was a big mistake. Why did I say that? I thought we were chill and I was joking. I MAKE TONS OF GAY JOKES AT HIM AND NOW HES REAL FUCKING MAD??? Why is he acting all defensive about it? It's this gonna ruin our friendship? is hE GONNA KILL ME? Dude I don't wanna die I just started to get good at my guitar. Well actually I've been pretty shit at guitar theses days but like to others I've been pretty good! Well who cares Brian you're about to die just because you called him gay. Oh Shitshitshitshitshit-

Here was a moment of silence before Matt opened his mouth and growled in a low voice.

"...I'm not gay."

Matt then continued walking...

But without Brian.


" ok, bri?"

Brian kept studying his "top-quality-5-star" lunch food. It's not like he was ignoring, no, he just simply wasn't paying attention. He was too busy thinking about the incident before school. He replayed the memory again and again, trying to play detective on where he messed up.

The way Matt looked at him was.... Brian has never seen that side of him. The way Matt's eyebrows scrunched together to meet in the middle and angle downward. His light pink lips pucker tightly together in a slight frown. His breath slowing down to a steady pattern. And his cheeks were the ever so lightest shade of rose when Matt replied those words.

"I'm not gay."

"I'm not gay."

"I'm not gay."

"I'm okay."

Brian looked up when he heard that voice, but instantly shifted his eyes back to his food.

"Matt, my fucker!" Jimmy held his hand out and roughly shook matthew's hand. "How's it going?"

"Good, good. You Zacky?"

"Perfecto. I'm finally getting to all 70's this time."


"A bit troubling here and there, but all good!"

"Aaaand Johnny, my man?"

"Same as always."

Brian froze dead when Matt sat right next to him. It was his usual spot, but wasn't he mad at bri?

"Briannn! I asked ya something!" Zack plucked something of Brian's food with his fork and munched.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm good!" The guitarist gave a forceful smile, which seemed believable, then tried to lead the conversation another way. "S-so how are the recording? For the drumming part, of course?"

"Two words: one go."


"I did the recording perfectly in one go, fucktard."

"Oh. Oh! Jimmy that's sick!"

"Tch, of course it is." Jimmy smirked and pretended to brush off dust from his shoulders. "But it's not really anything new to me."

Brian rolled his eyes and was about to smile until he noticed something in the corner of his eye. Matt was staring at him. His right eyebrow was slightly raised, and his eyes scanned him. It was like he was trying to figure him out... trying to decide something..

Brian ignored it and slapped Zack's hand, which was crawling to his food.

"Fuck off, Zachary."

"Nyeh!" Zack rubbed his hand and glanced at Matt, who was still staring.

What's he thinking..?

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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