Chapter Three.

Começar do início

“How was Ibby’s?” my dad immediately asked, letting go of my arms and walking up to Saleh. 

“Did you borrow the latest Call of Duty game from him?!” Wael jumped up, searching his brother for any signs of the game.

“Yep,” he said, holding out the disc. No wonder he was so happy.

“Is that Saleh? Ask him if he’s eaten anything!” mum shouted from the kitchen.  

Blowing out air through my lips, I got up to make my way back to my room. Getting lost in the Dracula novel until someone remembered to call me down sounded ideal. I walked passed the men in my family but not before Saleh spoke up.

“Why are you crying?” he frowned, confused. 

“Dad and Wael were tickling me again,” I replied, giving him an affectionate smile. He gave the smallest of chuckles and was about to reply, when mum called out for him. He turned for the kitchen, dad and Wael following. 

So typical. 


I was back in bed with my book, this time, Stormy was situated comfortably at the end of my sheets, his thick grey fur warming my feet. Every once in a while he would mew for some attention but I was way too absorbed in this book to put it down. 

“BOO!” someone yelled, slamming my door open. 

I jumped in fright, causing me to unintentionally kick Stormy in the head. 

“What the?!”

My darling uncle strolled into the room lazily, perching himself on my legs before picking up an angry Stormy.  

He looked straight into his eyes. “You still have this ugly thing?! Why don’t you get a new kitten?” As if sensing his words, Stormy thrashed in his arms before he was thrown unceremoniously back onto the bed. 

I dismissed my uncle, picking up my fallen book and searching for the paragraph I was up to. Just as I had found the section, the book was hastily snapped out of my grasp.  

“Hey! Uncle Yus, give it back!”  

“No,” he replied simply, blinking his hazel eyes. At twenty-three he was my dads youngest brother and a major joker. Sometimes, when he was teasing others, I found him funny, but most of the time I wanted to punch him in frustration. 

Like now. 

“If you don’t come downstairs this instant, I’ll whack you aside the head with this very book and then happily throw it out the window.” He smiled sweetly and then raised his eyebrows challengingly when he saw the glare I was throwing his way. “Come on, up, up. The food’s ready.” 

“You could've just told me that, instead of threatening me,” I grumbled, getting up slowly. “And Stormy’s not ugly, he’s my baby. Don’t throw him either,” I complained, grabbing the fat fur-ball and cuddling him to my chest protectively.  

Uncle Yus rolled his eyes. “You and that cat - I’ll never understand why you love him so.” 

“That’s because your incapable of loving,” I smirked at him. “You’ve got a black heart.”  

He snorted unappreciatively. “Yes, that’s why I’m constantly showering you with my love.” 

“I wouldn’t call threatening and bullying love, Uncle Yus.” I petted Stormy a while longer then relaxed him back onto the bed.  

“That’s how a guy shows his love. Don’t expect us to actually say those three, cringeworthy words.” 

“Oh no,” I started dramatically. “That would be expecting too much.”  

Vein of Life.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora