Chapter 2 Bonnie I need your help.

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Nobody's POV

It's been 2 month since Karin's death. Many events happened.

Damon became a ghost.

Elena and Stefan reunited and tried to help Damon.

Bonnie and Jeremy have seperated.

Bonnie has been hiding secrets from the rest.

Tyler ran off trying to break the syrin bond.

Caroline is left trying to make her friends happy but stuck with Klaus' flirting.

Klaus knows that Elena is alive and plans to use her but hadn't made a move yet.

The Mikaelson are fully back.

Esther is back as well.

Everybody has been in a huge mess.

Elena's POV

I pulled out the clothes for the day and looked in the mirror. No good. I had a date with Stefan later. What was I going to wear?

I walked down the hall and stopped infront of Karin's door. I hestitated and entered looking at her perfect room which hadn't changed in a whole two months. I felt the tears rising but I quickly ran into her closet and picked the clothes I wanted to wear quickly before I started to cry.

I ran out of the room and passed by Jeremy's room which was wide open. I stopped and saw Jeremy listening to music and marked his calendar. I sighed. I walked in.

"Hey, Jer." I smiled leaning against the door.

He looked at me then pulled off his headphones. "Hey."He went back marking the calendar.

"What are you doing today?" I asked folding my arms.

"Is that any of your business?" He said getting off his bed and walking over to his dresser and pinned up the calendar.

"Hey, it kinda is--"

"Why do you care? Since did you care about what I do?" Jer turned to me.

"Jer, ever since. I cared ever since." I placed my hand on his shoulder but he shrugged me off.

"Yeah right. " I was about to say something but he pointed at the date of today. "If you ever cared you would've kept the promise." He grabbed his jacket and bag.

"Jer! Where do you think you're going?" I turned around looking at Jeremy packing.

"If you must know. The graveyard." He walked out of the room hearing his footsteps down the stairs and slamming the door shut. I sighed as I stand alone in his room.

Nobody's POV

Jeremy walked to the graveyard and placed flowers on the grave stone the wrote "Karin Gilbert". Jeremy looked down at the grave.

"Gosh, how much I miss you Karin. You don't know what I've been going through. What happened to everybody. You effected everything...." He whispered trying to hold in his tears.

'Don't worry Jeremy." Karin said but Jeremy can't see or hear her. Karin stood by Jeremy touching his shoulder.

"We all need you Karin." Jeremy whispered.

"I'm coming back Jeremy don't worry." Karin smiled knowing that Jeremy can't hear or see her. "Bonnie's helping me. I'm coming home soon Jer. Don't worry."

"Bye Karin." Jeremy walked away from the grave still holding in his tear.

Bonnie's POV

I've been on the spell book over whole day looking page by page. I felt a presence and looked up to the curly brunette folding her arms with a smile...Karin.

"Karin, I'm still looking." I said flipping pages. "If I do reach out to you then I would have to go on the dark side--'' I felt another presence and looked up from the book.

"Bonnie, I need your help." Karin spoke then Esther appeared next to Karin.

"Esther." I whispered standing up quickly. She was a Mikaelson.

"No need to be doing unnessary things Bonnie. I'm only here for a favor." Esther smiled over at me. I looked at Karin then back to Esther.

"What's your favor?" I asked.

"I'm willing to help bring Karin back alive, I know you've been having a difficult time finding the spell." Esther smiled over at me.

"In exchange for what?" I asked.

"Not much. I need Karin's blood for the ritual. The blood that was used for Niklaus' ritural. It was Karin's blood and it has to be Karin's blood to end Klaus' hybrids and kill him."

I looked at Karin in shock it was her who had done Klau's ritural but To end klaus' hyrbids and kill him caught more of my attention. I looked back at Esther who smiled brightly at me.

"How can you help me?" I asked.

"Simple. I've already done half of the spell." Esther smiled and explained "Karin's body has been restored after her death. When I was on the other side I was talking to the spirit about keeping her body from rottoning."


"I need you to be the one to bring her back alive... since you are powerful to achieve from your ancestors. " She fliped the paged to a certain page of spells... source of evil power of nature...

"Bonnie we must do it right away, Tomorrow is a special event... a gown ball where I need to blood of the doppelganger to make Klaus drink." I looked up at Esther you ordered. I just nodded.

Not Much but when I get home Tomorrow for HAlloweeen! I shall be updating non stop!!!!!

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