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"Open the door! It's Hershal!" I jumped off of the bed making sure not to hit Lori. I sprinted down to stairs jumping down the last five. My hands grabbed the keys in my pockets and opened the door.

They had Hershal on a cart and he was missing half of one of his legs. There was yelling and people were shouting orders at each other. I stayed by the door and just stayed there, I didn't move. I couldn't even think.

"Jessamine!" I heard Lori scream and I ran into the room. Hershal was laying there, he was passed out, and the blood was everywhere. Lori stood up and I sat in the chair by Hershal's leg. I looked at the wound and examined it for a minute.

"Okay, everybody, we're gonna need space, but please stay close. We need something to hold this bleeding." I told them.

"Carl's getting more." Lori told me.

"Good. Now we need to elevate this leg." Lori handed Carol the pillows. Carol slid the pillows under Hershal's leg.

"We can't burn in, the shock would kill him. But we gotta stop the arteries from bleeding. If we keep it dressed it could heal on it's own, it's just that the bleeding is a problem. Lori, check his pulse." I told her and it took a second but she looked back at me.

"It's faint, but it's there." I nodded my head and she stood back by Beth.

"Okay, I have a quick question. Why are we listening to the child?" I looked at Carol and I think my eyes had flames. Lori was looking at the ground. The rest of them were looking at Carol in shock.

"Are you serious? Right now! Okay, you want to know so bad that you want me to cost this mans life? Fine! I know a thing or two because I've dealt with a thing or two! I don't need to prove myself to anybody! 'Specially not you. You had a controlling and abusive husband but I've been on my own since day one! So, Carol, would you like to proceed or would you like to be escorted out?" I asked her and she shook her head. Carol looked down and put more pressure on the wound.

"Good." I whispered. Lori put a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you need anything?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, I just need this bleeding to stop and hope for the best. Rick, if you guys cut it off before he passed out, there's a high chance that it didn't spread. But we won't know for a while." I told him and he nodded his head.

I stood up from the chair and walked out of the room. Putting a hand on Maggie and Beth's shoulders while I did it.

I walked out to the tables and Daryl had his leg up while pointing his bow at the door. I heard footsteps in the distance and grabbed my gun out.

"Who the-" A Mexican man with a gun walked through the door. More guys were coming with him.

"That's far enough." Daryl told him.

"Cell block C. Cell 4--that's mine, gringo. Let me in." There were three other men with him. All looking around like they knew they didn't belong there.

"Today's your lucky days, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go." Daryl told him. Neither of us were lowering our weapons any time soon.

"What you got going on in there?" The man asked. I'm going to assume it was there "leader" because of the way he acted and how they all bowed down to him.

"It ain't none of your concern." Daryl told him and the man grabbed his gun from his belt.

"Don't be tellin me what's my concern." That didn't stop me or Daryl from stepping closer to him with our weapons.

"Chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up. Besides, we're free now. Why are we still in here?" The big one with a shovel asked his leader.

"Man's got a point." Daryl pointed out.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat