Chapter 10

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'What 10 months? Still no good news??'
Now I understand what this old lady was trying to hint at.

My mother in law quickly defended me ' there's a plenty of time for all that! Let them enjoy their life'
This is why I love her so much

That lady frowned and dropped the matter. She left in the evening. I was so happy....

All four of us had dinner, and we returned to our rooms. I was braiding my long hair,when I saw praveen looking at me.

'I'm sorry for what my aunt did'

I felt guilty.

He shouldn't be sorry, I was responsible for his misery as mine. Even after 10 months, he is being very patient with me but me being the idiot, I ddnt even try to make this marriage work. He has wasted a lot of his efforts. God has given me such a wonderful husband and I won't deny him. From today, I made a decision, I'm not going to just be a friend but his wife.

'no.. What she told was correct.. I failed you as a wife. I don't why I'm this stubborn. How come you are this patient with me?' i asked him with tears in my eyes.

After all he did to me, I was nothing but a bad wife. I ddnt deserve him. He was a rare gem. Most men would have kicked their wives out, if they were in his situation.

He came towards me and wiped my tears, and cupped my face ' I don't know whether it is the right time to tell you. But it's now or never. You diya praveen have successfully made me fall for you'

His words ddnt shock me but it created some kind of a happiness in my heart. So many guys had told me similar words but none affected me, I would get angry and lash on them. But this guy, my husband, he is different, he has managed to evoke those feelings in me. I realised that I was falling for this man. He had somehow entered my cold heart, and managed to break my barriers.

' I first saw you, at Delhi, in a hiking expedition , 4 years back. I was in my final year at college. We were all  getting ready and that's when I heard some one yelling. I came out of my tent and that's when I saw you. You were holding one guy by his collar and yelling at him . I remember you were wearing a blue top and you hair was tied  in a  messy bun. I got closer to see what the commotion was. I saw one girl crying too. That's when I heard you speak and that's how I could not stop thinking about you for years.

' how dare you misbehave with this girl. I'm not gonna blame your parents, maybe it might not be their fault, that you turned into a rowdy. Who knows what you might be doing, behind their back. I don't want those good people to get blamed by the society for your madness. I would blame your friends.. A  good friend will try to stop his friend from going into bad ways. More than parents, a friend is someone you always hang out with.'

'im sorry, diya.. Dont blame yourself for what I did. I just wanted to talk to her, but she got scared so I pulled her hands'

'no akash, there's always a way for you to approach someone. You scared her. Why couldn't you see her, as how you see me.? Tell me if some pulled my hand, what would you do?'
More than a cousin I was a friend to you right. If I ddnt yell at you now, you would have been beaten by all those girls there.'

'I'm sorry diya,'

'don't apologise me, but to that girl and all those who are here'

After that the guys apologised and went away. The expedition had around 25 people. Except me all had witnessed the guy almost getting beaten by some girls. I was impressed the way he solved it. You embarrassed your own cousin in front of everyone, just because he was wrong. I don't know, I've never seen someone with that much of a fiery attitude. I like it. I liked how you stood up for someone you barely knew against your own. Thats why I agreed to marry you, because I knew you were the right person for me. I'm sorry for forcing into this marriage. If u still can adjust, I would stand by any decision you take. '

I was shocked, I remember that incident like today. I thought akash would get angry with me for what I did. But instead the respect he had for me grew. I sort of helped him woo that girl.

' He married that girl year ago, she fell in love with him' I replied not knowing what to tell.

But I had decided, the words ddnt come out. Without thinking I kissed him on his cheeks and quickly ran to the bed.

He stood like a statue for about 5 mins, before returning to the bed. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. He lied on the bed and came closer to me. My heart started beating like crazy.
' what was that for,' he whispered in my ears. I shivered from the close contact and got goosebumps. This man will be the death of me. I didnt respond as I was nervous. I didnt know why I dd that but it felt right to me.

One thing, I knew was that, I was becoming crazy for him. The girl who never wanted love and marriage is now falling for her husband. I smiled quietly and slept in peace.

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting..

I just hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm a beginner and hence my romantic and flashback scenes would be stupid. I hope you won't be bored.

Love you all and stay safe.

P. S maintain social distancing, wash your hands and wear masks. Try to take as much as safety precautions. This also shall pass.

Loads of kisses and hugs

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