Key came out and started pumping the gas. He walked to the door where I was sitting and started smiling at me . We started talking about places to go to go get some food, when all of a sudden a car pulls up full of females.  "KEYAIR" a girl yelled. He turned around looking confused then turned back and shook his head. "Ohh, so that lil rich bitch got you acting different huh ?" She asked. I rose up out my seat and looked at the girl. "Bitch who you talking to ?" I asked.

"Man, Lynn don't argue with them" he said. "Bitch I'm talking about you" said the girl. "Bitch yeen on shit" I said. The girl started walking towards my car. I got up out my seat and jumped over the door and put my hair up in case it was time to fight. Keyair got right in front of her as soon as she came up. "Bitch I'm not one of yo lil ass friends at school imma fuck you up" she said. "Bitch just cause I'm young don't mean I won't beat yo ass" I said.

"Aye bitch, watch out you ain't finna touch her"said Key, as he pushed her back. "It's all cool, me and my bitches got some for her little ass" said the girl. "Bitch and imma be waiting on a pussy hoe" I snapped. The girl jumped back in the car and drove off.  I got in my car and sat down. "Lynn I told you not to argue with her" said Key. "Naw, fuck that" I said. "Ain't a bitch punking me" I said. "Why ?, you fucking with her a sum ?" I asked. "Naw, hell nah" he said. "Well okay then, fuck her" I said. I got in my car and sat down.

Key put the nozzle to the gas pump back up and got in the car with me. He started up my car and we drove off. "Where you tryna go get food ?" He asked. "Go to that seafood place down the street" I said. "Okay" he said. I plugged my phone up to the aux  and got to playing music. We stopped at a red light and Key looked over at me smiling. "What ?" I asked.  "Nun like, you like me fr ?" Asked Key. I looked around the car before meeting my eyes back up with his. The truth was finally finna come out cause I never told him in his face the way I felt. "Yeah, I been liking you since I was in middle school" I said.

He started laughing. I drowned my face up in disappointment. Is he really sitting here laughing ?. "What's so funny ?" I asked. "Nun, I'm just saying you young as hell" he said. Soon as he said that I immediately got irritated. "Okay Keyair" I said. I was disappointed, I mean I know he ain't want me from the jump but damn you gotta laugh it up in my face, then not only dat.. you saying I'm too young ?. "You know what Key, I gotta go do something" I said. "What's that" he asked. "My mom want me to go get her kids" I said. I hopped outta my seat and got over to his side.

I'm finna drop his ass off. I don't got time for this. I could feel me getting sad as hell. I never, ever had gotten rejected in my whole life. I always been the girl that everybody had a crush on. I started up the car and started driving back to Keisha house. I was silent the whole ride there. I pulled up after 15 mins and stopped at the front door. "Ight Lynn" he said. I didn't even respond. Soon as he shut my car door, I sped off.

I stopped at this red light down the street from they house and just looked up. Damn.. why did I put so much effort into talking to him. I'm so vulnerable. I felt my lil heart being broken into pieces. My phone started ringing off the hook. I looked at the phone and it was Keisha. I didn't even answer it cause I can't even talk after that. After 20 mins I was home. I parked my car in my spot in the garage.

I got out the car and walked in the house. My mom was laid across Montana and both of them was knocked out on the couch. I walked upstairs to go to my room. I looked in the mirror and smiled. "Welp, I can't beat myself up" I said. I was still feeling the saddest I could ever feel in my life. I sat on my bed and just thought long and hard to myself. I'm  just gon find someone else.

My mom walked in my room and seen my face. "Let me guess, he don't want you" she said. I sighed real loud. "Mama, I'm not even as hurt as you think" I said. "Yeah, Lynn don't beat yourself up" she said.  Mama closed my door and I pulled up my Facebook newsfeed. I don't really be on Facebook like that. I accepted all my friends request and scrolled down the time line and laughed at a couple post.

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