the end of the world

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hi there!!! did i spook ya? hahaha jk no but for real

it's currently 4:37 am and i am writing this on my phone. this may not seem like a big deal but i rarely use my phone to write on wattpad, but i felt a big stinkin urge 2 update this unfortunate "story".

i'd been readin this one really cute gay webcomic– unfortunately, this is not a normal turn of events for me. i haven't really read any gay stuff for about a year. i just dont think ive necessarily /found/ any good gay ships. i've been refraining from irl ships the best i can- supermega gets me goin sometimes because some people write /such/ good fanfics, and smplive had me feelin a certain way for a while, and uh also i had this brief but incredibly intense ~week long span where i just really wanted to see idubbbz bottoming in general (preferably in a semi-humiliating way, but not voyeurism- i remember what it was now! i wanted to see him tied up lol) BUT OTHERWISE ive tried my best 2 avoid irl ships. my BEST. 

anyway today i was readin this cute gay webcomic called robbing robert or somethin, its alien themed and updates SO slow (haha... wonder what that reminds me of) and it just made me think about readin starxfanboy because ive heard its ending soon/ended recently and that just fucks with me. that manhwa was 100% my favorite manhwa while i was still obsessed and even if i stopped reading it (and all yaoi/shounen ai for that matter), i am still sad 2 hear it is ending soon. 

but anyway, that of course led me to here, with my embarrassing & shameful "yaoi recommendations" (gleefully noted that it had been updated as of june 2019), and thus to this "rants n bants" as well. as i always do when i remember this account, i reread all the previous chapters, reminiscing on all my past word-obsessions and all the little habits / writing styles i had during that part of my life. and , now, i am back: here to add to the (slowly) growing history.

some updates, as i am sure everyone is dying to know:

i stopped talking to INTERNET BOY. i know, a shocker. it is heartbreaking but not really. i feel no emotional attachment (as i have said before), and simply appreciate how he has shaped me to be who i am now, as shitty of a person as i am.

i got REALLY REALLY FUCKING INTO MINECRAFT. this is silly, but expected. i enjoyed many minecraft youtubers in 2012- i had the mobile version but never did much with it as i have no skills when it comes to the art of video gaming. however, this past november of 2019, i decided it was finally time to experience what i should have done back in 2012: i bought minecraft, java edition. and oh god is it addicting. i spend so many hours on it, and everytime i think "have i reached the peak? am i finally escaping?" i am dragged back in. it is both a curse and a blessing- i've managed to make sone really cool new friends despite being incredibly passive and usually antisocial in first meetings, and i have a lot of fun. but this is all at the expense of real world relationships and my grades, both of which i now know (almost too late) are HEAVILY affected by this addiction. and yet, will i stop? 

i've also gained a new love for a group of content creators: streamers! i got into twitch back in july of 2019, and have been constantly growing my list of streamer obsessions ever since. currently, i absolutely adore the lunchclub group, slimecicle, ted nivison, and traves being my favorites, and i also cannot begin to describe the love i have for charborg. honorable mentions go to bucklington, joey pockett, philza, dorb, lumpytouch, and technoblade (although he isn't a twitch streamer..). i adore these dudes and would die for them. 

i feel like there's more to say, but it's currently 5:01 and i feel as if i should sleep a little. i have nothing i need to wake up for- the virus has cancelled any plans i would have had; however, a not ENTIRELY fucked sleep schedule seems like a good idea. almost entirely fucked? thats fine. but not entirely. 

i may come back to update this later- i dont want to make a new chapter because i'm saving those for ~6 month gaps. but i probably wont update this. i know many of my adoring readers will be absolutely broken when they read this. i'm sorry, you'll just have to wait.

that's all, then. i've covered most of my time wasters, and if i've forgotten any, feel free to remind me in the comments below. dont forget to subscribe with twitch prime and become a channel member if you haven't already. haha PogChamp hahah >:0

<3 yall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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rants n bants from someone you don't care aboutWhere stories live. Discover now