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 "Look, just give me my jeans," I replied impatiently. A smirk grew on red head number one's face as Paddy pulled out my jeans, burnt to a crisp. I could see the hairspray and a lighter hidden behind red head number two's back.

"No can do," Paddy uttered. The words cool and crisp. "Why would you care? My letter came through in June. It's July and you still haven't had yours arrive. Squib." The words stung, but a little sting wasn't enough to make someone cry. Well someone with a smidge of a strong will. Just as I was about the spit words that cut like knives from my tongue, and owl flew in and landed on my shoulder, plopping a letter in my hand. I smirked at the three and showed them the seal. The look on Paddy's face, priceless.

"Dear Miss Woodier," I read. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Head Mistress." I made sure that on the last sentence to pronounce every, single, syllable. Just the irritate Podreig that extra bit more.

"Couldn't 'ave chosen more of a perfect moment to fly in." The red heads laughed simultaneously. That was creepy, too creepy.

Waiting til Mum and Dad got back was painful and everlasting. Eventually I started to wonder whether they would ever return, it'd been 12 hours. Twelve. And unfortunately, the twins stayed for the whole of that period, and they would not shut up.

I heard the jingle of keys and the lock in the door turned. And enter in Rosaline and  her minions. Ugh. I felt a mixture of relief and anger? Twelve. Freaking. Hours.

"Hello darling," I thought my mother was finally going to give me a hug, but no it was for James. Wait, and The Twins. Wow. Glad I'm welcome. In my own home.

"Hey, Mum," I said meekly. Mother didn't like to hear from me often. "The letter came." Mother's face lit up, it's like they were all expecting me to be a squib. What to feel, what to feel. She lifted my chin, as if to inspect my face, then realising she didn't need to; well only a little bit, she was only one inch taller than me. She looked into my eyes adn I think I saw something in hers, was it? No, it couldn't be. It was. It was pride. The first time anyone has ever done that. Even when they found out that I was a Metamorphmagus, they didn't care because little baby Rosaline just took her first ickle steps.

"You've grown," She stated. My face went from happy to neutral in a second, and the hair hanging by my cheeks turned red. Two weeks, one day, twelve hours and three seconds. That's how long she had to notice, but honestly, I should be glad she noticed at all before I died. I shut my eyes and focused. I opened my eyes, and I was back to normal. Thank goodness. Mum has metamorphic abilities too. I laughed, the funny thing is, this was the only this that I had in common with my mother, that and my gender. She saw my face and laughed, probably realising that I had been this tall for a while. "Sorry darling, I've just been busy, you know that." I nodded, but I didn't know why she was busy. She never told me. You know I can't tell you she's always respond.

One day, I thought. One day you'll have to tell me.

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