Chapter 5 Now What

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I went up stairs going back to the room. “Were are we going?” “Let’s go walking. It’s not far.” “Okay babe.” We walked down stairs. Cody wasn’t there anymore. Zayn and I walked out of the house. “Here we go.” “Yeah remember what your cousin said we can’t hold hands.” “I know I’m going to hold my own hand.” “Hahahaha your so funny.” “We’ll thank you.” We were almost there wen.  Group of guys and girls surrounded us. “Omg your Mia.” One of the girls sad”Hi.” “Can we get a picture of you.” One of the girls said. I looked at Zayn. He whisper in my hear. “Go ahead babe.” “Yeah.” We took pictures. A group of guys came up to me. “We we take a picture with guy.” One of the 6 guys told me. “Yeah.” One guy kissed my cheek. We were done taking pictures. We got to the restaurant. “What’s wrong Zayn?” “Nothing.” “Tell me Zayn. Tell me what’s wrong.” “It’s that.” “Is that you Mia.” Some guy came up to me. “Yes.” “I seen all of your videos your amazing can I get a picture with you.” “Yeah.” I took a picture with that guy. “Thank you.” “Your welcome.” I say down next to him. “So what wrong.” “I don’t know if I can do this.” “Do what?” “I can’t take  it guys come up to you and eat your picture. I don’t like it how they stare at you.” “I didn’t want this you said I should go for it.” “I know but.” “We will get trough this together. I have you and that all that matters.” “I love you.” “I love you too.” My phone began to ring. “Hello.” “Hey me and Addison are on our way to the restaurant.” “Okay we will wait for you here.” “Okay we will be there at 3 minutes.” “Okay we are just about to order.” “Okay.”  I hanged up. “It was Cody he is coming with Addison. They should be here in 3 minutes.” “Okay we should order food I’m hungry.” “Me two lets go.” We order our food. Cody and Addison came in. Fans surrounding him. “Mia.” “Cody.” He sat down next to me. “Look.” He showed me his phone. It was a picture of Cody and I in the photo shoot we just did. “So were he best cute couple.” “Yes.” He left with Addison I get food. “I can’t ill see you at the house.” “Zayn.” “I’ll see you there.” “Wait.” He left. Really he just leaving.  ”We’re Zayn?” “He went home.” “Why?” “I don’t know.” “We should do something.” “Like what.” “We should have a cookout Just the 4 of us.” “Okay.” I texted him. “Hey babe were having a cookout today.” “Okay just wake me up when you get here.” “Okay babe.” We finished eating and headed to the car. “I already have the food.” “Okay.” We got home. I went up stairs. Zayn was sleeping. I took a picture. I uploaded a picture of him sleeping. “Someone had a long day. I’m so happy to have my best friend with me.” I walked next to him. “Zayn wake up.” “No.” “You told me to wake you up.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “For what.” “I love you so much Mia.” “What’s going on?” “Do you think we can do? Hid our relationship  from everyone.” “Yes we can. I love you. I your not here I won’t be happy. I new you. You told me I should go for it. You believe in me and if your not here I won’t be able to take all of these.” “We can make it together.” He kissed me. “We should do downstairs.” “Before we do. I have to tell you something. Please don’t leave me alone with Cody girlfriend.” “Why what happen?” “She try to kiss me.” “What?” “Yeah. She tried but I didn’t let her.” “Lets go help Cody.” We walked out to the backyard. “Hey Zayn why did you leave.” “I wasn’t feeling good.” “My girlfriend told me she try to kiss you.” “Yeah she did.”“sorry about that. I told her that you were her boyfriend. She wanted to know if you will be true to her and that you won’t cheat on her.” “I would cheat on her. I love her.” “I love you.” I kiss cheek. I looked at Cody. “Do you need help with anything?” “No it’s fine Mia.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah.” “I’m want some chips. Do you need anything from the store?” “No I’m fine.” “I’ll be back.” Zayn came with me. “We should just get the chips an leave.” “Yeah come on.” We got the chips and paid. We were out side when a group of people surrounded us. “Mia. We’re your boyfriend.” “At his house.” “Mia. When are you going to do an interview?” Cody called me. “Hey I’m at the parking lot do you see me.” “Yeah we’re on our way.” I looked at everyone. “Sorry I have to go.” Zayn followed me to Cody car. “How did you know that the paparazzi was there?” “Someone twitted a picture of you two.” “What?” “Yeah we should leave.” We got back to his house hoping no one tough that I was cheating on Cody. I looked at my twitter. “Why is she with Cody I think she makes a better couple with her best friend.” ” why is she even with Cody? She just using him for his fame.” Some twitter to her. “Do you even know her? No. So shut up she seems like a nice person and if she makes Cody happy that fine by us.” She writes back. “No I don’t know her. You know dam right that she just using him. You see her hand out with that guy than with Cody.” I wrote to her. “He is my best friend. Cody was busy he could come with me to the store. I really do like Cody. You think I’m mean than keep thinking that. You don’t know me. I’m really nice. You wouldn’t know that because you don’t know me.” “That right she is nice. I really want to meet you. I think your awesome.” “Thanks love. I really want to meet you too. Thanks for sticking up to me.” I got off twitter. Cody came in. “Twitter war.” “How did you know?” “I saw it on my phone.” I looked down. “Don’t worry it happen to everyone.” “She don’t know me.” “I know Someone wants to meet you. Come one were going somewhere.” Zayn and I followed Cody to the car. “We’re are going?” “You’ll see.” I knew Zayn didn’t know what was going on. “Come on.” We were at the restaurant where we were this morning. “Mia this is your fab that stand up to you.” “Hi.” I hugged her I knew she was so excited. “I can’t believe it’s you.” “Thank you.” I smiled at her. We all sat down at the table. “I saw that you told her you wanted to meet her so I messaged her.” “Thank you Cody.” “This is my best friend Zayn.” “Hi Zayn.” She smiled. “Hi what’s your name?” “Ariel.” “Hi Ariel.” “I love your name.” “Thank you Mia ”We talked. she is a sweet girl. “We have to go. Will see you around.” “Yes. Thank you so much Cody.” “Your welcome.” We all went home. “Cody that saw sweet of you.” “I saw it was your first fans hating on you and she stand up to you I wanted to make both of you guys your day.” “Thank you Cody.” “Come on the food ready.” We sat down at the table. We all talked. We had a grate time. Zayn and I went upstairs and watch a movie. “Today was crazy.” “I know. I can’t do this.” “Yes you can I know you can.” “People hate me Zayn. They are right but I have to lie to them.” “I know we have to hide it but we are doing it for our love. Some people don’t understand that.” I kissed his cheek. He always know what to say. “I love you Mia.” “I Love you Zayn.” We didn’t even see the movie we both fell asleep. The next morning Addison woke us up. “Mia wake up you have an interview today get ready.” “What time is it?” 7:00” “can I just sleep.” “No come on.” Zayn was still sleeping or he was faking. I got my cloths and change in the bathroom. “Zayn ill see you later.” I kissed his forehead. “I’m going with your too.” “I tough you were sleeping.” “No I was awake.” “Your not ready.” “Yes I’m.” He changed while I was in the bathroom. “Let’s go.” We got to the interview. “Mia go sit down right here.” “Okay.” Addison and Zayn left the room. “Okay I’m going to ask you questions.” “Okay.” “Who is your boyfriend.” “Cody.” “You guys look in love.” I blushed. “Thank you.” “I see that there’s always a guy with you. Who is this?” She showed me a picture of Zayn and I yesterday. “That my best friend Zayn.” “Have you guys dated.” “No.” It killed me that I had to lie about it. “Your very talented ” “Thank you.” “How many people have you singed to.” “Less than 50.” “Your videos have gone up.” “They have.” “Yes did you even check them.” “No my cousin put them up for me. I didn’t know she had more videos of me.” “There a lot.” “That one resent how did she get that one. ” “we should ask her.” “Okay.” “I just got a twitter saying you have a boyfriend name James you are keeping it a secrete.” “Jane and I broke up 6 months Ago. I wouldn’t cheat on Cody. James been trying to brake us up.” “You should be careful.” “I will .” “Someone asked why do you spend time with Zayn and not with Cody.” “I asked Cody if he wanted to come with me he said he couldn’t we had to do something when he done he always catches up with us. Zayn one of my best friend he doesn’t alike it if I go alone. He doesn’t want anything to happen.” “That sweet. One more question you have your first twitter fight. How did you feel about it?” “I was sad how can someone say they hate me if they don’t even know me. I wouldn’t used anyone for there fame.” “Thank you for your time. Next time bring your boyfriend.” “Thanks for having me. I will.” I walked out and saw Addison with Zayn.”how did it go?” “It went okay.” “Good now you have a photo shoot to go to.” “What?” “Yeah come on.” We got to the photo shoot. “Hi Mia.” “Hello.” “I want you to wear this.” He handed me the outfit. “Okay.” I changed and came back. “Mia. That good . Yeah.. Smiled. That good. Now we have some questions for you.” I Answered his questions. It was already 2. I was so hungry. “Addison I’m hungry.” “Me two. Will go war before we go back to Cody house.” “Okay.” We went to drive true. “Mia you were amazing today.” “Thanks Zayn.” I hold his hand. We were in the car so no one would see. “I hate that I lied.” I looked at my phone. James was calling me.”hello.” “Having fun lying.” “What do you want?” “I want you.” “You will never have me.” “Tell Cody that you two wont last. Tell Zayn when he is leaving you.” I looked at Zayn he wouldn’t leave me would he.”just leave us alone.” I hanged up in him. “Mia who was it.” I let go of his hand.”it was James.” “What did he say?” “Your going to leave me.” “I won’t leave you I told you. He just wants you to make you mad that all.” “I know.” We got home. I saw Cody on the couch. “Cody can I talk to you.” “Yeah.” We walked to the kitchen. “What’s up?” “James called me. He is my ex-boyfriend. He told me that we won’t last.” “Don’t worry. He won’t get to us.” 

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