Ruined cafe day

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Deku POV

I was walking with Uraraka and Todoroki. We decided that since it was the beginning of the weekend, we would all go to a new cafe together. (A/N reference to Restarting. lol) After getting the okay from Mr. Aizawa we started to walk there. On our way to the cafe, I heard a scream. I notified them, then we went to check it out.

I walked into the alleyway with them behind me. I saw a woman laid against the wall. She had shoulder length brown hair and wore a black sleeveless dress. I ran to her. "Excuse me miss a-are you okay?" I said as I check on her. She nodded. She was burned on the shoulder and was bleeding from her head.

"Deku!" Uraraka yelled. I turned and it was Dabi, that explains the burn. He started running towards me fire already lit in both hands, then Ice came and blocked him. "Get her out of here!" Todoroki said. I handed her to Uraraka, she nodded jumping up activating her quirk. As I started heading to the front to help, she screamed.

I turned around and saw Uraraka was bleeding. The girl stabbed her in the stomach. "Uraraka!" I yelled in shock at the now falling girl. It was a trap! Uraraka fell to the ground crying in pain and the girl started melting to reveal, Toga. She smiled then walked over to Uraraka. She hung a knife above her head and said "come here Izuku. Or my knife just might slip." she said while waving the knife over her.

I walked over to her, trying to figure out a plan. "Good boy Izuku." She said in a sing song voice. Todoroki was too preoccupied with Dabi but, Uraraka has her phone out calling for help! Good move! I tried to get to her but toga stepped in the way, knife pointed towards Uraraka.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled a small syringe from under her dress. I tried to get away from her using my quirk but then she cut Uraraka. As she screamed, I stopped struggling. "Did you know this knife was coated in a drug that increases pain?" She said with a crazy look on her face. While I was focused on Uraraka she pierced my skin with the needle and inserted the unknown substance from the syringe into my arm.

Whatever was in that shot hurt, a lot. There was a lot of pain. I fell over then, black.

Uraraka POV

Toga pricked Deku with the shot then he fell to the floor and passed out. Reinforcements were on the way, they'd be here in a few minutes.

"D-deku" I said trying to crawl to him, clutching my stomach. I made it to him and checked his pulse, he was still breathing which was good.

I heard Toga say "sorry Izuku as much as I'd love to make you bleed Shigaraki said not to cut. See ya." She ran to the front and jumped over Todoroki's ice. "Come on Dabi I finished." She said playfully. They left as reinforcements arrived.

3rd POV

One stabbed, one passed out, and they other too tired to move. Quite the day they had. And they didn't get to go to the cafe. T^T

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