jisung and jaemin ended up tying and everyone else was very far behind, jeno being the only one remotely close.

"cheaters," donghyuck sung.

"jisung was the one who suggested this," renjun said, "it seems like he knew he was going to win."

jisung laughed nervously, hiding behind jaemin.

"guys leave poor jisung alone," jamie called, "how did he know we all suck ass at bowling?"

this changed the attack from jisung and jaemin to jamie.

"speak for yourself!" chenle teasingly scoffed.

"i did better than you!" jamie replied, laughing.

"can we go to mcdonald's?" jaemin asked, "i'm starving from all that winning."

jeno from next to him slapped his arm and jaemin looked at him in betrayal before slapping jeno back.

the two bickered back and forth and the rest ignored them until renjun hit them both on the back of the head.

this caused jeno and jaemin to make renjun join their slapping war.

"our fallen soldier renjun," chenle cried, wiping away his fake tears, "we will always remember you."

jisung snickered as the other three joined in on chenle's crying.

they all barely fit at the same table, having to push two together as the employees watched in disgust.

"are you really getting an espresso at eight o'clock at night?" jamie asked.

"not just one," jaemin grinned, "two."

"jaemin is killing himself," donghyuck sung, hiding behind his tray as jaemin jokingly threatened to hit him even though they were at opposite ends of the table.

"i'm waiting for the day that jaemin turns into a coffee bean," chenle chirped, laughing at the idea.

renjun stared at him, "what kind of stupid are you?"

"what kinds of stupid are there?" chenle retorted.

"are there kinds of stupid?" jeno asked.

"that is a kind of stupid," jisung replied, taking a sip of his milkshake.

"get your disgusting hands off my fries you piece of shit!" donghyuck yelled at mark who had stolen a handful of donghyuck's fries.

mark just smiled and shoved them all in his mouth.

"buy me more," donghyuck demanded.

"no, you still have some," mark replied, taking another fry.

"mark lee!" donghyuck whined, "give me back my fries!"

"you want them? give me a second," mark pretended to gag, making donghyuck whine even more.

eventually the mcdonald's kicked them out and left them to wander towards jamie's house.

they ended up at a park a neighborhood away and all laid in the grass, some more reluctantly than others.

"man it's been a helluva two years," jamie sighed as she leaned her head against mark's shoulder, staring up at the sky.

the rest of them hummed in agreement.

"i can't believe we're graduating soon," donghyuck yawned, "it feels like yesterday we started high school."

"don't mention that," jeno whined, "i don't want to leave."

"what do you mean?" jaemin asked, turning his head to look at jeno next to him, "i want to get out of that hell hole as fast as possible."

"that's not what i meant," jeno pouted, "i don't want to leave this."

the group was silent, all agreeing.

"i can't wait to grow up," jisung's voice broke the silence, "i want to help others and make a difference."

"me too," mark smiled and the rest repeated.

"can we all agree, no matter what, we'll come back here?" jamie asked, "come back to this same place and dream about the same things and the same future?"

"of course," jaemin replied, looking at jamie who was looking at him, "we have to."

"i have a new name for the group chat! listen up!" donghyuck called, "dream."

"dream?" renjun repeated, "why?"

"we all have the same dream!" donghyuck explained, "we are dreamers, we dream for a better future."

"i like it," mark grinned, "dream."

"instead of dreamers can we call ourselves dreamies?" jeno asked, "it sounds better."

"dreamies," jisung muttered, a grin on his face as well.

"look! there's the big dipper!" chenle pointed out, ruining the moment.

"no you dumbass that's the little dipper," jisung replied, a smile on nonetheless.

"wait i just came up with something," mark said, getting up.

the others got up and got close to him.

"put your hands in," he instructed and they all did just that.

"when i say yo dream you reply let's show them how awesome we are okay?" mark explained.

"yo dream!" mark hollered.

"let's show them how awesome we are!" the rest replied, putting their hands up in the air and doing little dances.

they all beamed at each other afterwords.

"group hug!" donghyuck yelled, pulling renjun and chenle in.

the rest all complied, getting into a huge hug.

"yo dream!" mark said again.

"let's show them how awesome we are!"

"let's show them how awesome we are!"

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