Chapter 35- Ready or Not

Start from the beginning

"Celeste! Don't do it! Please don't kill her! I LOVE HER! I fucking love you baby! I should've fought for you. I was dumb. I'm so sorry! I-

I swung the axe and cut clean into her neck. Her eyes never left mine as the axe stayed stuck into the chair separating her head from her body that fell forward. The smile never left her face.

Daniel didn't say another word. I knew he was still on the line because of the harsh breaths he took. I grabbed the phone.

"If the love of my life died I'd do what I have to do and be with him again. You should do the same. Put Luke on the phone. Now." I waited patiently as I heard footsteps. He must be in shock to not say anything but follow orders. "

Luke P.O.V.

There was banging on my door and before I could answer it Daniel walked in with tears on his face. It was odd because his face lacked any emotion. Even his eyes were empty.

"Are you ok?" I asked him a question but he just shoved a phone and envelope at me and walked back out. "Who is this?"

"Hello ex lover of mine. Did you miss me?" Celeste voice made me sit up. What the hell happened while I was asleep?

"What did you do to Daniel? Why are you calling now?" I couldn't help the way my stomach fluttered with uncertainty.

"I didn't do anything. He just learned a lesson that when a envelope with your name in bold is sent to you he shouldn't open it. Daniel listened to the love of his life die today." She stopped talking and held the phone.

"What the fuck do you mean the love of his life died today? Are you... are you talking about Sophia?" My eyes dropped down to the envelope in my hand.

"You should open your mail." Her voice was a monotone.

My hands shook as I put the phone on speaker and then opened the envelope. I pulled out pictures and saw my sister. All the air in my lungs left my body as tears ran down my face. My heart was so heavy in my chest I wanted to rip it out.

"You tortured her. You... y-you killed my sister?" My voice was weak, inaudible.

"As we speak, I'm having her delivered to you. She knew the risk of death would come to her when she put her idea into action. I would watch out for Daniel. Before he gave you the phone I offered him my advice." Celeste sighed through the phone.


I got up and ran out the room and down the hall. I heard Eve scream as I made it to Daniel's old room. He shot his self through the mouth. His blood covered the walls, bed, and floor as he laid there lifeless.

"Fuck!" I punched the wall and walked away. How can she do this?

She killed my sister and my bestfriend in the same day! She did this! I shouldn't have banned Sophia. I left her all alone and now she's dead.

My head was spinning around or maybe the room was. The feeling in my knees gave out and I hit the ground. I should've been there.

Eve called for my men to come get me up and back into bed. I felt them lift me up but I didn't know what to do. I don't know how to feel right now. I just lost my own flesh and blood. My rock when I'm alone. An then my first bestfriend kills his self right after. It's too much to bear.

"I-I can't breathe, Eve. I can't... I loved her b-but sh-sh-she killed my sister! What am I supposed to do? It hurts. Daniel. So-so.... it hurts!" My body kept shaking and I couldn't stay still until a needle was put in my arm. I slowly fell asleep and the last thing I remember doing was calling her name. Sophia.

Celeste P.O.V.

"How do you feel?" Sapphire gave me side eyes.

I grabbed Sophia's head by the hair and put it in a box. I turned to go out the room and paused at the door.

"I feel... good. I'm going to go wash the blood off." I walked down the stair and out the house into the backyard.

I pulled the wig and plastic coat off then grabbed the shower head. I washed all of Sophia down my body and sighed blissfully enjoying the sun on my skin.

I was almost done with my outdoor shower when Sapphires called out for me.

"Ian said that Donovan is at home and paranoid as shit. He's been questioning all of his men and even killed a few. The tunnel is practically done since it wasn't that far from where they had to dig. They made it to the wall and just have to knock it down." Sapphire kept yelling and interrupting my peaceful moment.

"Damn! Can I enjoy the weather?" I wrapped up in a towel and walked back inside. I took the phone and put it to my ear. "We'll still have to surround the house. Add smoke bombs and a grenade launcher to the list. Launch one into the house and blow up one side. It will surprise them and you can knock down the wall without being heard. I'll lead some men with Hunter while you lead the men down the tunnel. Meeting spot is in the center of the house. Donovan will have nowhere else to go. Our flight is tomorrow." I hung up and looked around for the pizza box.

I did a happy dance as I took a bite from the slice in the box. I'm starving!

We packed everything up. The girls helped me put Sophia body into a metal drum and we set her, the plastic, and broken up chair on fire. Chopping her and the chair up to fit inside the drum didn't take long. The instruments used were sanitized and leaned twice. We left nothing to be found.

Sophia's ashes will be scattered into the sea when we get back to LA. Call it what you want but I'm not going to leave a headless body and it's the only nice thing I will do.

I hope Donovan missed me. I'm coming back home.

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