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The prologue.
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        Darkness. Humanity was absent, the children's laughter ceased, the joyous music now replaced with the humming of the broken street lights. The world was now filled with fear, rage, and despair. Walking outside meant having a death wish, having the kiss of darkness on your lips. A simple sun flare seemed to kill off thousands, mainly the elderly and children. Leaving the poor grievers of ages seven and up. Possibly six. Just depending on the luck, and the pure draw of straws could either save or kill you from the virus. In a world of such chaos, such lurk of demise, a sense of hope was born. Gems.

         The virus was started by a huge organization, named WICKED, after the first bit of the Flare was released, the virus was supposed to die down. But, it rather spread rapidly taking lives as if it meant nothing. The virus was almost identical to the Black Death, but rather less extreme. The virus was communicable, causing warps to swarm the body, and cover millions with it's deadly components. The virus would start as a common cold, but in the next week the victim would be covered in warps, even to the extent as the inside of the lungs, unable to breathe many would choke to death. The survivors would burn the bodies, to help prevent infections. Most of the people who weren't already infected were wealthy or possessed a gem. Most of the wealthy worked for F.L.A.R.E. , to obtain their power they tried to fight off people who possessed gems.

    Gems. A blessing holding more condemnation. Gems were buried in the skin of the lucky chosen, each holding different meanings and different powers. With  such great power, unintended consequences were bound to appear. Gem hunters (F.L.A.R.E), the destroyers of the gems, killing the innocent in order to obtain power of the chaos. Brother against brother, blood against blood, humans against gems.

    Thomas, a 16-year-old American young teen, found himself struggling along the isolated roads, ignorant to the million shaded eyes tracing his very figure. The stars shone numbly down through the whisky clouds, the burned and decaying buildings were crumbling and light colored sheets hung from open windows to hold out the bright intrusive light. Burning barrels inside alleys, holding mostly wood or the possibility of a rotting body, Men circled around the barrell holding out their hands for an inch of warmth. Innocent cries of babies, wrapped in the swaddles in their mothers arms. Thomas hung his head low, as if he was ignoring the calls of the need around his, all the poor. Hiding his wrist were his black gem buried under skin, hoping to find a safe haven and escape from the wandering eyes.

    Thomas recoiled himself to rest, afraid of the thought of men finding his darkened gem, he wrapped himself into layers of warm blankets. His mind finally found tranquility, as a haze of calm effervescent washed over the boy. Sleep found the boy.


       The bright sunlight shone through the holes of the blanket, raggish and slumpy Thomas revealed himself to the dull gray skies. The clouds now vanished, the sun shining and burning at Thomas's sensitive skin. The barrells in the allies now held burn marks and isolation, the blankets in the window now vacant and the crying children now silent. Thomas was surprised to find himself not mugged or even awakened by a sick stranger. Nevertheless, he was thankful for the ounce of sleep he was able to obtain.

       Thomas could feel the deep bags under his eyes, fearful he rubbed them mercilessly. He had to keep his eyes and body alert, for his own survival. Thomas struggled to his feet, wincing as his weak ankles popped and snapped to the slightest movement of his muscles. Thomas stared down at his ripped converse, the dark black with a huge hole near his big toe, though they were worn out and in terrible condition they gave Thomas a reassuring thought, or even a slight comfort that was often hard to think of in such a deathly place. Family.

     Thomas tore himself from his family at the age of 10, in fear for their survival he fled. Not many families survive if a member had a gem in their skin. Thomas can remember some features, like his mother's bright blue eyes or his father's strong smile, but the rest was fuzzy. Thomas smiled down at his converse, a smile he wanted to keep for more than a minute but in reality he knew he couldn't. Thomas fixed his backpack straps, ignoring the fierce friction the gray straps causes on his black tee. That same tee he has been wearing for two weeks. Thomas decided to ignore his fashion, knowing nobody really cared when they were fighting to live. For life.

       Thomas walked under the burning sun, wiping away his sweat with the back of his hand, staying off the road and into the dead fields. Brown grass is now crinkling and rotting into the soil. Thomas averted his eyes, staring back ahead at the long, windy roads. Thomas stopped in his tracks, sipping at his water trying to ease the sandpaper feeling stuck in his throat.  As the water droplets rolled down his chin, dripping down onto the dry concrete, Thomas's eyes found a blonde boy swerving through the people. He wore a black hoodie with tight black shorts, his blonde hair was sticking out from the edges of the hoodie. He slumped forward, hunched and slowly checked his surroundings. His eyes met Thomas's, Thomas couldn't see much of his features, but he inched forward towards the blonde. A smile rose on the blonde's face, as he disappeared into nothingness.


End of prologue.

Thank you all for reading! You all are amazing. Special thanks to these babies for helping out: bookara MINHOMYHOE
Remember Treat People With Kindness.

Stay Gorgeous!


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