Chapter One - The Move

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Third pov.

"Y/n!" You could hear your dad shout as you left your house with your last bag. It was time to get in the car and leave. You and your family were moving to some place called Jasper Nevada because your dad had gotten a new job there since he recently got fired from his job in the town you worship more than anything else. It was your home. Your true home.

You got in the car and got buckled up as your dad locked the door to your old house. You watched him get in the driver's seat next to you as he said "Oh come on y/n, it will be like a new start". "For you yes..." You replied in a low voice as you looked out at the house again, the last time you'd ever see that house. All kind of memories came back to you in that moment before your dad started the engine of the old truck and drove away.

Once you arrived at the small town you looked around through the old window. Nothing impressing for your eyes. Your dad stopped the car as a guy your age drove past you on his blue motorcycle. You weren't too impressed by it either, you were more of a car person than a bike person. Your dad drove to some soft of school building and said "this is where you and your brother will start tomorrow" you just nodded with a big lack of interest as he sighed and drove to your new home.

You walked inside, walked up the stairs and into your new bedroom, it looked fine, but once again, it didn't impress you. You missed your old bedroom. You went back to the car and woke your 3 year younger brother up and you both helped your dad get all of your furniture and other things in your new house. Everyone went to bed early that day.

The next day when you had awoken you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Your tired e/c eyes, messy h/c h/l hair and your s/t face. You quickly got ready and left with your brother to school. Once you and your brother arrived there you saw the same guy from yesterday park his bike and get off. He saw you and waved at you. You awkwardly waved back before walking inside with your brother. "Y/n, you should ask him out" you heard your brother say and you just sighed. "I haven't even spoken to him Dash, I'm not gonna ask him out" you said with an annoyed tone as you left your brother and walked to your class.

Y/n's pov.

The day went by, it felt like it was never gonna end. I just wanted this day to end. I wanted to go back to my friends, my life. I looked over at the clock. 10 minutes left. I could make this. I went back to working with my schoolwork and were the first one to leave once the clock rang. I walked outside with my bag and sat down, awaiting Dash. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted my best friend. I got no response. 'She's probably still in class' I thought to myself as I leaned my back against the tree behind me and sighed heavily. I looked up and saw that guy again, talking with two other kids. One girl with black and pink coloured hair and a short guy with brown hair and glasses. The short guy saw me and waved at me, I waved back and they walked over to me. 'Great' I thought to myself sarcastically, not really wanting to make any social interactions. "Hey" the guy who owned the bike said. "I'm Jack" he then added. "Y/n" You replied. "I'm Miko" said the girl in a very energetic voice. Then the short one introduced himself "you can call me Raf". We talked until Dash finally came, I said goodbye to my new friends and walked home with my annoying brother.

I checked my phone every minute on the walk home, hoping to see that my friend had replied, or at least seen my message. But no. I felt really dissapointed. And sad. Did they ignore me now that I had moved? Have they already forgotten about me?.... am I that easy to forget? I wandered off in my thoughts and almost got run over by a car, luckily my brother pulled me back in last second and shouted at me for not paying attention, but all I looked at was the car. It was a red car and based off what I could see it looked like an Aston Martin. It was gone before I could inspect it further and my brother pulled me to the other side of that road. We then walked home.

I went straight to my room as soon as I came home and tried to contact my friends for hours. It was no point. They weren't going to pick up. Just my luck. It turned out they weren't real friends after all, like my mom always used to suspect before she and dad got divorced. I should've listened to her more. She were always right. 'I wonder.. if I would've stayed with her, would thing be different now? I shouldn't thing too much about it anyways' I thought to myself before getting ready for bed. I changed into my pjs and laid down under my blankets. I grabbed my phone and went on YouTube, watching all kinds of videos for hours. I put my phone away to charge at about 1 am then went to sleep.

Third pov.

The next day you went to school, very tired after staying up to 1 am. You saw your new friends arrive in different vehicles. Jack quickly spotted you and waved at you as he did the day before. You waved back, less awkwardly than the day before. The trio of friends walked over to you and walked you inside, chatting and joking. You found yourself smiling and didn't mind it. You liked these new friends of yours, actual friends. They weren't as fake as your previous friends that now had frozen you out completely. You wanted to get close to Jack, Miko and Raf. You wanted to get into their group and hang out with them, which just that itself were unusual for you, as you normally try your best to avoid social interactions and always tried to stay away from people. You enjoyed your alone time a lot, but you could tell that would change here.

And it weren't the only thing that would change you.

His Pet (a Knockout X Human!reader fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon