Chapter 15

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We all walk into a gymnasium, "You all read your information packs?" I ask like usual and the team agrees, "Wonderful, against just have fun but don't feel intimidated, you're all High School Students at the end of the day," I tell them.

"So nervous," Furihata says.

I look at him instantly, "Oi," I point to him, "Relax," I tell him.

I sit on the bench with Riko as the teams warm up, I  stretch and smile watching everyone. I giggle as the opposing team comment on Taiga's hair and I shake my head. My phone buzzes and I pull it out to see blocked caller ringing. I sigh, "Excuse me," I stand up and answer to the phone.

"Juri..." A familiar intimidating voice speaks, "Been a long time... How have you been?"

"Akashi..." I hiss as I walk past Tetsuya and Taiga who look at me silently, "What do you want?" I walk out of the gym and find a bench to sit on.

"We're not going to lose Juri," He says.

"I never mentioned anything about a game and just want makes you so confident?" I ask.

"It's you and Tetsuya, that's what makes me confident," He says.

"Right, of course. Mr I Will Never Lose even though in the past before you switched I was better than you. Remember that, when you actually gave a damn of others?" I comment glaring at the ground.

"My oh my, someone's got an attitude problem," He says, "No one looks down on me Juri, you know that. Remember your place, well then... Bye, Juri... Good luck, you'll need it," He says before hanging up.

"Fucking bastard!!" I shout and throw my phone.

I don't hear a smash of my phone, "My my, someone sure is angry... What's the matter?" I look up to see Ryouta holding my phone with Kasamatsu beside him.

"Just Akashi called me," I tell him.

"Seriously? What did he want?" He asks and walks to me holding my phone out to me.

"It's Akashi, he who can never lose... What do you expect him to say?" I say taking my phone from, "And that no one looks down at him blah, blah," I shrug.

"Sounds like him," Ryouta says and sighs, "Anyway, how's the match?"

"I don't know, they must have started," I say and sigh before turning a pillar and kick it.

Ryouta walks to me, "Want to sit with us till you calm down? It might be the best," He says placing his hand on my lower back.

"Sure," I nod, "It'll be best than having them question me about what's going on and the phone call," I tell him.

I walk inside with Ryouta to the bleachers, I look at the score, "12 to 0 to Seiho? Eh?!" Ryouta questions.

"Hey, are you kidding?" Kasamatsu asks.

I stand with Ryouta as we watch Seirin struggle against Seiho, "What the hell are they doing, geez?" Ryouta asks as we watch the game.

"It was the same thing against us, but I guess Seirin is basically a team that starts slowly, but usually the who starts accelerating is Kagami. That guy still can't do a thing so the others can't go with the flow," Katamatsu says.

"I don't know what is going on but it seems like Taiga is about to snap," I comment.

The referee blows its whistle, "Charging! White, Number 10!" The referee says.

"Idiot," I comment and sigh, "That's the second foul he's got," I frown, "I need to go down."

"Yeah, you might be needed," Ryouta says and I nod walking on, "Juricchi, forgot something?" 

Memories [KnB] || Kise RyoutaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora