Chapter 26

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Ashley's POV
"Hey, princess," I felt someone wrap his arms around my waist. I smiled and turned to face Jayden. "Hey," I gave him a quick kiss. He kissed my forehead and I giggled. "Where's Jess?"
"Busy doing admin stuff, she told me to get you but I couldn't find you anywhere so..." he shrugged.
"Oh, I was talking to my cousins, they just came back from Hawaii, got pretty excited, so sorry..."
"Alex and Stacy?" I nodded.
"Finally, that dude is back."
"He owes me five bucks," he chuckled and I laughed.
"Alright, get to class, you're gonna be late." I stuck out my bottom lip and gave him puppy dog eyes. He chuckled, "you're so cute," he kissed me. I giggled and ran off. "Hey!" I heard him call, I turned and stuck my tongue out. I could hear him laugh, I smiled to myself and walked to class.
Halfway throughout the lesson, Jess came in. "Sorry, Mr Jackson." She scrambled to her seat which was next to me. She smiled, "hey."
"Hey," I smiled. We had an important test coming up so we payed attention to the lesson. God, I hate math. The notebook I had was filled with drawings, lyrics, poems, fanfiction and of course notes. After about half an hour, the bell rung and we got ready for the next class. Phys Ed. "So what admin stuff were you up to?" I asked her while we were changing.
"The decorations for the upcoming party."
"Yea, principal wants to celebrate."
"Whatever for?"
"I dunno, maybe he struck the lottery or something," she joked and I laughed.
"Seems like you're gonna be busy for these couple of weeks eh?" She nodded.
"Sucks. Oh by the way you and Jayden..." She said with a hint of amazement in her voice. I rolled my eyes and smiled. She squealed, "I've been waiting for like... FOREVER!" I chuckled and pulled her back out to the gym.

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