Causing Trouble

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By the time they got there, it was night.
"Master Yule! How are you doing?" Oran called out to a willow tree looking dark green old man standing on a giant dark blue camel.
Yule looked over to Oran and waved hello. Buttercup and Butch were surprised.
"Is that a monster? Let me handle this.." Buttercup said, and started running towards the giant camel.
But Oran grabbed her hand quickly. "That's no monster! That's just the temple of the moon." he said.
"And Yule, he's the guardian of the moon."
"Oh." Buttercup said.
"So what are we waiting for? Let's pinch already!" Butch said.
Oran and Buttercup nodded, and they all ran away to the night creatures.
And they pinched everyone who wasn't green, or had eyes of green.
Eventually everyone got mad and one of the black night deers even pushed Oran, Butch, and Buttercup into someone's cave.
When they fell, they saw a blue baby night deer next to them asleep. It was whimpering and tossing and turning. A teenage blue deer that looked about 13 was also sleeping but frowned in his sleep and woke up. Then he looked over to the baby deer and waved his arm up and down over it and blue dust came out of his arm. Then, he saw Oran and the others and screamed, waking the baby.
The baby got up, looking confused at Oran.
"What are you doing here?!" the boy asked, scaredly.
"Hi Mune, just so you know, it's Saint Patrick's Day. Time for a pinch." Oran said, going near Mune.
Mune's eyes widened and he pushed Oran away.
"No! Not in here! Get out! Qoonie is trying to sleep." Mune said.
"Qoonie?" Oran, Buttercup, and Butch said at the same time.
"She's my baby sister. She was born in June. She's 1 and a half, she'll be 2 this year." Mune said.
"Maybe i should pinch her too. She isn't green at all." Oran said.
"No! Why can't you pinch them too? They're not wearing green." Mune said, referring to Buttercup and Butch, their clothes covered in blue.
"Their eyes are green." Oran said.
Qoonie stood up on her 2 legs, and waddled out of the cave.
"Wow! She already does that?" Oran said.
"Yeah, i couldn't do that until i was 10." Mune said.
"Atleast all humans will understand her now." Oran said.
"Oh, she doesn't talk. She doesn't want to." Mune said.
"What? Ohhhkay then..." Oran said.
"Hello." a voice said outside of the cave.
Mune and Oran looked outside, and it was Leeyoon, a night amphibian creature. He was saying hi to Qoonie. Qoonie was smiling and waving her hands up and down.
"Who's that?" Buttercup asked.
"That's Leeyoon." Mune said.
"He's training for the next guardian of the moon. This is the year that Yule will retire. So will Xolal. Xolal is guardian of the sun, and him and Yule will both retire in the summer." Oran said.
"Eeeeeew! He's ugly." Buttercup said.
"He looks WEIRD." Butch said.
Butch and Buttercup went outside, picked up some grass, and threw it at Leeyoon.
"AGH! What?!" Leeyoon said, looking back. Buttercup and Butch were laughing.
"UGH! Oh, great, humans have come here! They ruin everything!" Leeyoon said, and walked off in frustration.
Then, everyone in the cave got tired, and decided to go to sleep.
A few minutes later, Leeyoon woke up Buttercup and Butch and told them to follow him. They did and walked out of the cave. Soon enough, they got to a place which had a cliff.
"So? What's up?" Butch asked.
"A few night creatures have been complaining about you pinching them. So, maybe this will help you think about what you've done." Leeyoon said, and shoved Buttercup and Butch off the cliff. There was strong wind off the cliff, and it blew them straight into a tunnel, and they fell out of the tunnel and into a very huge dark blue cave, that was big enough for a few houses to be in that would make a little town.

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