The two of them reached the dance floor and danced for a little while.

Ante made no problems in placing his hands all over body, not that she made anything to stop him.

"Your place or my hotel?" She whispered after some minutes in his ear.

"Your hotel." Ante whispered back.

They would have later found out that would have been several more nights.

"Darling, are you okay?" Ivana's mother, Ana, asked, noticing her daughter's not very enthusiastic mood that night.

"Huh?" Ivana asked, finally stopping to play with the food in her plate.

"I asked you if you were feeling well..." Ana said, even more concerned. "You barely ate..."

"Oh, I'm okay." Ivana gave her mother a smile. "I'm just tired, I guess."

Stjepan Damjanović, Ivana's father, looked at her daughter. "You know you can always tell us everything." He snapped his fingers and sat beside his youngest daughter. "Is it about Mirko?"

It was no secret that Stjepan didn't like Mirko. In fact, he despised him with a burning passion.

None knew why thou.

Ivana shook her head. "I told you. I'm just tired. That's all." She said, trying to sound convincing also to herself.

Her father nodded, not going any further.

Her mother cleared her throat. "Your sister called the atelier today. They set up an appointment for Wednesday."

Great. Only two days away. Truth to be told, Ivana also totally forgot about the dress part. She simply nodded at her mother. "Okay. Thank you." She got up and grabbed her things. "Now, please, excuse me but my head is literally killing me!"

"Do you want a drive home?" Her father asked with a genuine smile.

The young woman shook her head. "I think some air will help me. Uhm, see you guys on Wednesday then."

"Send me a text message when you arrive home!" Ana half screamed, causing Ivana to nod.

Once she left her parents house, she took a deep breath.

She wanted to tell them what was wrong, but she was the first one to be confused as hell.

In the first place, she didn't even know why she accepted Mirko's proposal, maybe that was why she got caught in the moment, but now, with clear mind, she would have punched herself.

It was not like she didn't care about Mirko, she loved him and cared about him, he was really a great guy, but...

But he was not Ante.

When they first started dating, eight months ago, she had no idea he and Ante were friends, she only found out few days before the announcement of their engagement, when Ante came back to Croatia from Milan for his summer break.

And now even looking at Mirko made her remember of Ante, of his blue eyes, of his scent, of his everything.

She remembered their first met, four years ago, and how they both believed it would have been just one night stand.

But it wasn't.

And now, here they were.

Without even realising, she found herself in front of her house.

She entered and threw herself on the couch, where her cat, Vlad, was sleeping.

She smiled and laid beside him, closing her eyes, with the hope to clear her mind.

"Rough day?" The bartender asked as he cleaned some empty glasses.

"Don't tell me about it." Ante replied, keeping sipping his beer with bitterness.

"Want to talk about it?" The man asked again.

Ante looked at him, he probably didn't really care about him and his situation, he was probably doing this only because part of his job, but Ante felt like he needed to tell all those things inside him. "She's marrying to another man. A friend of mine actually."

"Dude, there's more fucked than I thought!" The man said, clearly feeling some pity for the footballer.

Ante nodded. "Don't tell me about it."

Do you have a cat?? Or some other domestic animal??

I do have a cat. Little Vlad. He's all my life.


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