The first day 😳😳

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It was finally happening, I'd finally got my job at papas pizzeria. I walk in, and see him Papa Louie, the sexiest beast around. I stand behind the counter waiting for my first costumer, its Taylor. Then Wally.
I brush my hair and go take their orders and place them on that weird wire thing. I get my pizza and place their toppings on it inhaling the rich smell of tomatoes as they cook in the oven. I hand it over to Taylor, he claps and gives me a 10 dollar tip. Ahh money. Then Wally, 100s across the board, a 5 dollar tip! Papa Louie would be proud of me. Alas it was closing time. I clean up and grab my stuff. Locking the door as I leave, calling goodbye to Louie. Taking a last glance at his masculine facial features and his beautiful mustache. He would be the perfect man for me. He wasn't too old either, 30 and 23 wasn't that big of an age gap.

I walk up into my room and look over the city, I grabbed my

The  went to sleep, thinking of Louie...

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