Louis couldn't have done anything else but give a tentative smile, saying an overwhelmed "sorry?". Stan had dunked him in the back and Emily had begged for details about Harry. During the day people approached him, sent him looks and even tried to sneak pictures of him. Those who did got flipped a bird. It was a strange feeling that people knew him. No, didn't know him, only of him. They knew who he was and he didn't know shit about them. The people who actually knew where he lived, who he'd met or been to his parties, some of them spread the word about where he lived and some people who found out even showed up outside his building, just to maybe get a glance of Harry. Those who did show up would be disappointed, because Harry didn't stay at Louis' apartment and neither did Louis. Niall held the fort there and he actually got quite known around campus as Harry Styles' boyfriend's roommate who yells at you if you ask about either of them.

But now – a week and a half since the airport – that people had stopped coming around the flat, realizing neither one of them were there, Louis could go home again. It was a relief, not that he minded living in Harry's flat, but he missed Niall.
The press were still hot on their heels though, but their romance wasn't a "fucking big deal" anymore, rather a "huge, great big deal".

Harry put a hand on Louis' jumping thigh, eyes warm and lips smiling. Louis turned from staring anxiously out the window, to Harry. "It's going to be fine," Harry smiled. Louis nodded weakly. He bit his lips and glanced out the window again. He felt Harry's grip of his leg tighten and he turned to see his face looking uncertain all of a sudden.

"You know you don't have to- I mean, if it's too son, I-" he rambled. "We don't have to do this." Hearing it come from Harry's lips stung a bit. He'd caused that uncertainness.

"Hey," Louis interrupted softly, catching Harry's chin between his thumb and index finger. "From now on I tell you when it gets too much. Don't go around worrying that you're pushing me." Louis looked into Harry's eyes. "Harry, I'll tell you."

"How can I be sure of that?" Harry asked lowly, embarrassed that he even felt that way.

"I promise you," Louis determinedly said. "Do you trust me?"

"Do you promise? Any small little thing, you tell me."

"I promise."

"Then I trust you."

Louis moved his fingers from Harry's chin and thumbed a tiny curl by his ear instead. Harry swiftly leaned in and kissed Louis softly on the lips. Louis felt the car stop and he sighed, pulling away.

"Are you ready, lovely?" Louis smiled.

"Yes," Harry grinned and they climbed out of the car. Immediately two guards were by their sides and Louis took a deep breath.

Suddenly Harry looked just as nervous and he turned longingly towards the car. "You know we don't actually have to do this today..."

"Harry," Louis said. "You really want those shoes, love."

"Yeah..." he frowned. Louis laughed softly and poked his side.

"Let's go then." And they did.

At first nobody really understood that Harry Styles was on the streets, but Louis knew that one person recognizing him would be enough for the wildfire to spread. The driver had parked relatively close to the store, so they didn't have to walk very far. Louis was nervous, kept glancing around and wondering whenever somebody looked at them, "are they recognizing Harry?" and "is this it?"
They strolled down the street and the farther they got, the more relaxed Louis felt. Maybe it wasn't going to be as bad as he'd thought. He looked up at Harry, finding him grinning widely.

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