Chapter 2: Student Council?

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Collecting my thoughts I look up to see a boy with pink hair arguing with the lady at the front desk. I don't mean to ease drop but he is kind of loud...

"He shouldn't be able to get away with that!!" The boy proclaimed. "It's a rule and it should not be broken by such a...a...criminal!"

"Now Prince Bubblegum I understand it's a rule but the principle made up his mind and he doesn't just change his mind." The lady says calmly and collected.

Wait did she just say Prince!?

"We-" he cuts his sentence short and turns around looking straight at me.

Oh god... I swallow hard as he begins to walk toward me. He stops, about an arm length away and puts on a smile!?

"Hello miss," he bows taking my hand and kissing it gently. "My names Prince Bubblegum and I apologize for that scene I just caused a second ago."

He's a...Prince!? What kind of school is this!?

"Moving on, from the looks of it you must be the new student that will be attending AT High. Fionna, if I remember correctly is your name?" He said continuing to speak.

"Well yes...yes that's my name..." I speak nervously. "The instructions I was given in the cab here told me to come straight to the main office where I'd meet with the student council president?"

"Well look no further because I am actually the student council president." He smiled looking down at his "fancy" watch. "Anyways we should get going before class gets out the hallways are a nightmare..."

He took me through the school showing me all the different club rooms and the teachers I'd be taking that semester. But the part that I was dreading the most was the large dorm room on the side of the much later school.

The bricks were tinted pink and I could stand it! I sighed as I rolled my suitcase along the sidewalks pavement following PB, speaking of which his nickname sorta just "came to me".

Once we had reached the entrance of the building I walked up but stairs but PB stayed behind. While on our way over he explained, in much detail, that NO ONE in the girls or boys dorm room can be in either unless they are the correct gender of the dorm. And we had a curfew... 11:00. The doors close and lock by then so that no one can get IN or OUT.

The key I was given earlier in the halls while bringing showed around was the key to my dorm where I'd be sharing a room with a girl that goes by the name of Marceline. Second floor. Fifth room down was my lucky, SMALL, dorm.

Reaching my room I pulled out the key, twirling it around my finger, then clicking the door open. The shades were pulled down and the lights were off. Hopefully meaning I was alone.

I pulled my suitcase into the room and closed the door shut behind me, locking it. I leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor. The darkness and silence filled me with joy and relief.

It didn't last for long though.


The sound of a floorboard as if someone were walking on heart stopped as I felt hot breathe on my neck. I jumped and snapped the lights on causing the boy to cover his eyes.

"Fuck..." He said adjusting his eyes to the light.

It was the boy from before! His haunting eyes, the pale blue skin, and the black shaggy hair that was placed perfectly. Although, I still didn't know his name.

"Who the hell are you!? And what are you doing in my dorm room!?" I demanded, though it may not have been very convincing since I was nervous.

He chuckled and my heart stopped.

AT HighNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ