Chapter 7 | Just Relax!

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The day of the proposal

Reem~ You know Jai, Vaish Di's gonna do something very special for Abhi Bhai.

Jai~ What is she gonna do?

Reem~ That I can't tell you. You'll come to know tonight.

Jai (in his mind)~ You're in for a surprise too.

Jai (fakes anger)~ You don't trust me Re.

Reem (confused)~ When did I say that?

Jai~ You told that indirectly. You can't even trust me enough to tell me Vaish Di's surprise plan.

Reem~ No it's nothing like that J

Jai (dramatically)~ Then how is it Reem?

Reem (panicking)~ Look Jai I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-

Jai starts laughing.

Reem (very confused)~ Why are you laughing Jai?

Jai (between fits of laughter)~ Look at your face Re. I can't believe it you fell for my prank.

Reem~ How stupid of me! I should've realised.

Jai~ No problem. Happy late realisation. Now go get ready fast. I'm taking you somewhere.

Reem~ Okay I'll g- But wait where ?

Jai~ Chill Reem it's not like I'm going to kidnap you. It's just that it's a surprise for you.

Reem~ Okay I'll go.

Jai~ Keep it casual.

Reem~ Sure. I'll be back in five minutes.

 I'll be back in five minutes

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Reem's outfit ^^

Jai~ Let's go

Reem~ Ya but tell me where are we going?

Jai~ Where I'm taking you.

Reem nakes a puppy face.

Jai~ Don't make your famous puppy face, I'm not going to melt.

After 5 minutes they reached their destination

Jai~ We're here!

Reem~ Okay, but tell me why we at this spa place. Wait don't tell me you did that.

Jai~ Yes I did that. Now our spa date is getting late.

Reem (excitedly)~ Let's go!

Reem (excitedly)~ Let's go!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The spa ^^

Reem (dumbstruck)~ Wow Jai!

Jai~ Reem, are you alright?

Reem~ Ya, I was actually shocked that you did so much for me.

Jai~ I can do anything to make you happy.

Reem~ Yes, now spa time!

Jai~ Ya sure.

They took the best treatment available there.

(A/N: I'm not going into the details because I don't know much because I don't know the spa treatments and stuff.)

The treatment was done in 3-4 hours. And then they left for their apartment.

Reem~ Come on Jai. Drive fast.

Jai~ Why are you in a hurry?

Reem~ Because I have planned some- Oh shit I wasn't supposed to tell you that.

Jai~ But know that you've told me a part of it, tell me the whole thing, please.

Reem~ No, we have to reach home for that.

Jai~ Okay.

That's it for the chapter. Hope you liked the chapter.

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Stay tuned to the story . Now Bye!

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