Chapter 1

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William made his way through the busy streets carrying his bag of supplies. The mingling townsfolk challenging his path as one after another walked past him in a rush, few of them colliding with him. He decided to take a short-cut through an alley between a bakery and one petit shop.

Facing the ground in boredom, he didn't notice one figure approaching him with alarming speed until they collided. Will looked back, confused. The man now running away, dropped a few coins before turning the corner in a hurry, his long sailor coat flying behind him on his way. Pirate.


William approached the front of his home. Since him and his wife had married, they've moved into a more regular house due to Elizabeth's demand. Her father, the Governor, demanded that he'd at least obtain a fancier house for them on the better side of town, so he did.

Elizabeth was in the kitchen preparing dinner when she heard William come in the front door. ''My love, you have returned from the smithy! How I've awaited for your arrival! Dinner, it is almost finished.'' Elizabeth chimed, happily from the doorway connecting the dining room and entry way. William looked at her briefly, smiled and looked back at his shoes. ''Are you alright my dear?'' His wife queried.

''I am. I assure you my love. I suppose I'm just a tad tired.'' William responded, proceeding to make his way upstairs. Elizabeth gazing after him, worried, she returns to the kitchen.


The slow but cool breeze fondled William's face as he gazed out the window at the dark blue sky. He counted the brightest of stars and spotted various consellations, like Aries, Scorpion and Sagittarius. His thoughts travelled to the lone pirate he'd encountered earlier in the day. He didn't want to think about him. Anyone but him, but it was inevitable.

Jack had not crossed his mind in ages. He was not a part of William's life anymore, William did not care for where he was, nor if he was dead or not. Jack had only brought curse and misfortune upon him. He was brought back by the lovely chime of his wife's voice, announcing dinner was ready.

The next day, around noon, William and his family were walking near the docks. Having a clear view of the sea. William's thoughts sailed far away. Wind blowing through his long raven hair, making them flow and wave like the sea itself. William wondered where Jack was, far away, in some unknown region of the seven seas. Sword fighting an undead, robbing the Queen, or-

''William?'', he hadn't realized he'd stopped in his tracks, his face vacant, as he still gazed upon the open waters. He turned back to Elizabeth, whom was staring at him confused. ''Pardon me, my dearest. I seemed to have lost my train of thought.'' he said. ''Indeed.'' Elizabeth replied. William trotted back over to Elizabeth and Henry, they proceeded to walk away from the docks.

''Come-come my love, we must meet Carina in order to pick out a dress for the wedding.'' Elizabeth said. ''I'm sorry, love, whose wedding?'' William asked, Elizabeth looked at him confused. ''Our son's Will! Henry and Carina are to be wed! Have you forgotten?'' Elizabeth said. ''Oh no! Of course not, dear. We should hurry.''


William was poking around his plate, rolling his food around while staring at it discouraged. Elizabeth glanced at him but didn't mention it. Soon, Henry excused himself from the table. ''Elizabeth dear..'' Will started, she turned her eyes back on him, expectantly.

''Do you.... ever think about... Jack anymore?'' William asked.

''William..'' Elizabeth said, with a warning tone.

''No it was foolish of me to ask such thing. I'm sorry, please just forget about it.'' William rushed, putting his silverware down. Elizabeth looked at him in silence for a moment.

''Is that why you've been so out of it recently?'' Elizabeth asked quietly. William raised his gaze on her.

''I ran into a lone pirate the other day.. just... raised some memories.'' He said. Elizabeth sighed and took his hand in her's, still looking at him. ''Please excuse me my love.'' Will said and left the table, leaving his wife alone.


On the deck of one familiarly dark coloured ship, dark brown boots stomped daringly forward with purpose. Captain Jack Sparrow was headed to Port Royale, to meet an old friend, for he was about to inform him of a treasure awaiting to be discovered. He stopped at the railing, leaning on it. He pulled out his compass, glancing at it before looking out to the horizon, there, he could see a tiny hint of land. ''We'll meet again soon, William Turner, I promise you that.'', he said, a smile spreading on his face, his golden teeth glistening in the setting sunlight, and his long coat flowing in the wind, he is determined.

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