Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower

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"I won't be mad or anything like that. If that's what you think." He says, his voice a little lighter.

"It was just a bad- An accident. Like I told you." I murmur.

"Did it have to do something with your Aunt?" I'm quiet for a moment. Then I look up, making sure to get direct eye contact with him.



"Okay, okay, okay. So. Next question. How the fu- *Ahem* How did you not know it was me when I called you? I mean, how could you not recognize my voice?" Mr. Stark snorts a laugh. My face turns a little red and I hide my face in my arms.

"W-well... ummm... ya'know..." I mumble.

"Speak up underoos. I can't understand your mumbling." Mr. Stark says from his workbench. After I gave my answer about May, we chatted for a little while about other things.

"I... Uhh... Look. I'm an idiot, Okay? I just... I don't know. When I'm nervous things just sort of... There are things I don't focus on. And if you can remember, I had a panic attack when you called so I was too stressed and panic-y to even think about anything. I just..."

I get quiet for a couple of seconds and Mr. Stark waits for me to continue.

"I didn't want to be alone, okay? I didn't...- No one was there... For me, I mean." I finish and Mr. Stark sits with his arms crossed.

"I see. Well, I guess it was good that I at least got to you, right?"

"I suppose..."

"Hey... What's that 'suppose' to mean? I did a great job calming you down." Mr. Stark says in a 'matter-of-fact' voice.

"Sure you did." I chuckle. All of a sudden I feel like someone is watching us.

"Listen here you little shi-"

"Not to ruin the moment or anything but is the kid going to stay for dinner or?" A female voice cuts Mr. Stark off. Both Mr. Stark and I nearly fall out of our chairs and look directly towards the door where Ms. Romanoff is standing, her arms crossed and her body in a protective stance.

"Oh. Hey Nat. You nearly scared the living daylight out of us." Mr. Stark chuckles and Ms. Romanoff smirks devilishly. "And... uhh... Kid? You wanna stay for dinner?"

"I... umm... I don't wanna to be a bother, so if you don't want me to, it's okay." I murmur and Ms. Romanoff raises an eyebrow, making direct eye contact with Mr. Stark. It looks like they're having a conversation without the need to say anything.

Mr. Stark looks back at me with somewhat sincere eyes. He lets out a sigh, then a small chuckle.

"Kid. You're not a bother. If you wanna stay, you can stay. Wait, when does your Aunt get off work?" Mr. Stark asks and the tone he used when he said 'Aunt' was... strange. Ms. Romanoff's head perked up a little though.

"If I'm not wrong... she won't get off until tomorrow or something. I'm not quite sure. But I know she won't come home today." I say.

"Well then, it's setteled. Nat, has anyone made dinner yet?" Mr. Stark asks, clasping his hands together.

"If I'm not wrong, Wanda and Rhodey said they were making dinner." Nat explains. She makes her way over to the big hologram in the workshop and examines it precautiously. I get a little stiff, which Mr. Stark chuckles at.

"Spider-Man? Since when do you help small time heros?" Ms. Romanoff asks suspiciously.

"Well, I met the web slinger not that long ago and he was in desprate need of someone strong and kind to help him." Mr. Stark says in a dramatic voice and I'm on the verge of hitting him in the arm, but that would be too suspicious. So I just snort.

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