Chapter 13 Plan Gone South!

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"So if the person behind all this needs scooby doo" Velma starts

"Then that person is the one who brought Scooby here" Daphne exclaims

"If Mondorajagaga wanted Scooby, why'd he invite the rest of us?" Fred asks

"It doesn't matter! we gotta save Scoob" Shaggy says and starts to walk off

"But Shag our expertise is nut jobs in Halloween costumes" Fred says

"We're supposed to be heroes, man. So I'm gonna do what I always do: I'm gonna eat myself a Scooby Snack, and I'm gonna save my best pal." Shaggy voices and gets out a scooby snack

"Velmster?" Fred says

"You think I'm gonna fall for that? Giving me my own nickname? Trying to make me feel like... ...part of the gang? We could make a plan" Velma exclaims

"What can i do? the only thing i'm good The only thing I'm good for is getting caught." Daphne voices

"You never let that stop you before! And if that's not a true hero, then I don't know what is" I exclaim trying to encourage Daphne

Shaggy, Velma, Fred, Daphne and I put our hands on top of each other "Let's get Jinkie with it" Velma says and we put our hands in the air we set off to lay out the trap After saying bye to Ace and Peter when they were sure we had everything in hand and they went into the forest to hide how they leave the island.

"Okay, so we use the pulleys to tip over the vat." Fred says

"Daphne will open the air vents and release the disco skull." Velma exclaims

"The light will refract off the skull..." I say

"The creatures will explode, I'll find Scoob, and we'll have saved the world." Shaggy finishes

"Oh, no. The ritual's beginning." I voice

"Quick. Attach this to the vat." Velma says and throws a rope to shaggy and he ties it to the vat Shaggy gave a good to go and things went wrong he accidentally tied it to himself and causing Daphne to hit a wall and Shaggy to fall into a man and knock him out

"Quick hide the Daemon Ritus" Velma exclaims and we quickly joined in with dancing with the others and we are dragged to the front due to Fred not stop dancing when he should have

"Fred, Arietta, Velma. Welcome to my little end-of-the-world party." Mr Mondavarious says

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