Chapter 7 ~ Being a Mum

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Letty had just got home after going to the hospital with Jasmine and Mia. It was hard to leave Dom again but she reluctantly moved out of his arms and into the ambulance once it had arrived. They had gone to the hospital along with Mia and after everything was fine and Letty had stayed in hospital over night she had been given the all clear to go home as long as she was on bed rest and only to do small things, as she had only just given birth the day before.

She was tired and sore but that didn't stop her from wanting to be close to her baby girl all the time. Mia was a great help with this as she would help Letty put her down and bath her. Letty loved her baby girl more than anything in the world, she never thought she could create such a strong bond with her child but during the later stages of her pregnancy she began to become more and more attached to it. Although now as she held her baby in her arms at this very moment, she has never felt a love like this in her life. Yes, she loves Dom with every bone in her body, she could never explain how much, but this was a different love that was so much more soft and caring.

"Your so good with her Letty"

"Thanks Mia" Letty said smiling as Mia came to sit next to her on the bed.

"She looks a lot like you and Dom, thats for sure"  Mia said as she lightly traced baby Jasmine's face.

"Yeah she does" Letty replied.

The girls sat their just chatting about anything and everything, but mostly about baby Jasmine and Dom. Sometimes conversation would strike a nerve for Letty, and Mia could always tell when, but instead of ignoring it and changing the subject when it did happen, she got Letty to talk about it and she realized that afterwards it had really helped.


Letty groaned as she woke up to the cries coming from Jasmine. She rolled over and looked at the alarm clock sitting on the night stand, 6:03am, it read. Letty groaned again as she slowly got out of bed and made her way over to Jasmine's crib. She gently picked the fidgeting baby up in her arms and patted her on the back as she walked around the room trying to soothe her. 

"Wahhh!" The baby continued to wail. Not even two minutes later Brian and Mia came walking into the room looking like they had been hit by a truck. 

"What's wrong with you two?, late night?" She said smiling.

"Ha. Ha. very funny Letty" Brian said taking a seat on the edge of Letty's bed.

"We woke up ten minutes ago to Jasmine's cries and she still hasn't stopped so I was coming to see if everything was alright?" Mia stated.

"Mia, she's a baby, she cries and it takes longer than ten minutes to get them back to sleep, get over it" Letty said as she continued to soothe the baby.

"Alright, alright, we'll just go back to bed, you look like you have everything sorted out in here." Mia replied

"Alright, bye" Letty said as the couple walked out of her room.


Later that morning Letty came downstairs with a sleeping Jasmine in her arms only to find Brian and Mia passed out on the kitchen bench. 

"Morninggg" She sung loud enough to make them up. They both groaned and lifted their heads of the bench glaring straight at Letty.

"So your little child wakes us up all hours of the morning and then we finally get some peace and quiet and you just wake us up again" Mia said straight to Letty, anyone would have thought she was royally pissed off, and Letty honeslty thought she was until she saw the smile start to grace her face. "Like mother, like daughter" She said shaking her head as she got up to start on breakfast.

Letty just laughed at the face Brian had.

About ten minutes later, they were all sitting around the table eating breakfast along with Vince, Leon and Jesse who decided to 'wake up' as soon as breakfast was ready. 

"Hey Let, can I spend the day with Jazzy next week, you know, so uncle bonding time" Vince asked Letty as he pinched Jasmine cheecks, who was sleeping peacefully in her lap until just now.

"Hey baby" Letty said as she looked up at her and smiled a bit. She fidgeted around a bit before relaxing back into her mothers arms.

"And you know I thought you could use the time to relax, I know you have been busy this last week with Jasmine and I understand it was hard for you having to say goodbye to Dom again." He said to Letty after admiring Jaz. Letty looked up at Vince silently thanking him for understanding exactly how she felt.

 "That would be great V" Letty replied.


Over the next couple of weeks the whole house barely got any sleep, although Letty was close to crashing altogether. She was barely getting any sleep at all, she had no idea that raising a baby without Dom for the first two years would be so hard. 


A/N - Sorry for not updating in so long guys! Here is a small filler chapter, and hopefully I will get the next one up soon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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