Chapter 5 ~ A New Friend?

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4 Months Later, Letty is 6 Months Pregnant

Letty's P.O.V

"Hey Let can we talk?" Mia asked me whilst we were sitting on the couch watch the TV

I muted the TV and looked at her "Sure Mi, what's up?"

"Um, well there is this new guy I met at school and he is really nice... and well he sorta asked me out?" 

"That's great Mi, whats he like" I asked not really sure why she was so nervous.

"Well he's a really good person, his name is Brian, he is really funny and romantic" I could tell she was starting to go off in a haze thinking about him

"And he's 2 years older" I heard her say in a not so clear voice.

"Excuse Me!" Was she crazy! "How do you think Dom is going to feel about this, actually no, any of the guys!"

"Look, I know it's a big age difference but he's a really good guy Let!" I could tell she was honestly telling the truth.

"Alright tell me a bit more about him" She started to ramble on about him, but I couldn't really focus. To be honest I knew Mia would pick guys that would treat her right, and who were respectable. So I just zoned out and started thinking about Dom and I when we were younger like Mia, and first getting together.

- Flashback -

Letty was sitting on the beach, just watching the waves roll in and hit her feet. She had been going through a rough time at the moment. Her mother had just left her with nothing, her relationship with Dom had been becoming more than just friends and she was in high school, and the pressure of that was hard enough on it's own. Letty never cried, she was not the type of person that would cry everytime things got hard. But today. Here. Right Now. She felt like crying, she just wanted to let go of her emotions and then she wanted everything to just go back to normal.

She wanted her mother back to help her through her relationship with Dom, and tell her what to do when she didn't know, and she wanted her Mother to punish her when she did something just plane stupid. She just wanted her Mother back. 

She wanted her relationship with Dom just to be a whole lot more simple than dancing around eachother in public and then only being together in private, she wanted him to hold her when she needed to be held. She wanted him to kiss all her problems away and promise to be by her side forever. No matter what.

And the one things she wanted to disappear wouldn't, school. She wanted to leave school and not have the worry of assignments and study. She wanted to be able to work at the garage full time and then come home. Come home to her happy family.

She felt a single tear run down her cheek, but she quickly whipped it away and stopped any more from spilling over. She brang her knees up to her chest and folded her arms over them and rested her head on them. She felt more waves come up and touch her feet, it was cold, but she didn't care. She just wanted the water to wash away her problems.

She sat there just watching the water move in it's own way, and no one could change the direction, It was just one big body of water, that no one could change. Why couldn't she be like that. 

All of a sudden she felt someone sit down behind her and put their legs on either side of her and then two big arms wrapped around her. She sighed. It was Dom.

He kissed her head. "What's going on Let?" She didn't answer as she tried with every bone in her body to hold back her tears. Dom could sense the tension in her body and new this was something big. "Let?"

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