He smiled and nodded at me. His handshake was so strong yet warm, there was a gleam in his eyes. I could see some of the girls eyeing him, I just wanted to yell at them, hey girls we are at church. He asked us, don't we want to join the choir group, I abruptly said no, Harry said okay to join and even Julie was okay.

Jonathan turned towards me and asked why you don't want to join the choir, I said I am a worst singer, he said he will schedule singing lessons. Harry whispered that Jonathan is also a singer. Oh, I nodded to Harry and was amazed to the fact that, really? he is a musician and a singer too?

I still insisted on saying no, Harry and Julie forced me, then came Janice and Charlotte, and said I should give it a try. I rested my case and with a retired look, said yes, but stubbornly continued to say, I know I am not good with my voice.

Jonathan lowered his head and whispered, you dance well, your body movements are so swift and graceful why not sing.

That creeped me out, but he innocently just smiled and pulled my hair. As soon as the girls saw Jonathan has taken charge of the choir group, they pushed their way in to join, creating different lines, to register for the choir.

We all stood in the line, trying to create fairness not the dominating party, I was slightly pushed back that's when I felt a hand hold me tight that was Jonathan, he gripped my wrist tightly and pulled me towards him. I bumped into him, he held me close to himself.

His legs were slightly apart, sitting down on the side of the table where registration was happening, I was slightly entrusted between his legs, standing sideways, slightly my thighs was brushing on his thighs.

I was still beside him, he started addressing the girls to line up and not to push, all names will be written down and then they can sit down for the discussion. He calmly pulled a chair and actioned to me to sit beside him, which I did. By then Harry, Julie, Janice and Charlotte came over to my side.

The choir team was briefed, the new members training schedules were prepared. Luckily, our team was listed together.

During lunch, Jonathan set with us at the garden table, the lunch was just ready to be dished out, Jonathan's mum came out of the church hall to call him to have lunch with them inside, and he told his mother that he will have lunch here in the garden.

when he was sitting down, I said Jonathan, your mum is so happy that you have come to church, don't take away her happiness by not listening to her, we are always with you but she is a hardworking woman and she spends very less time with you and your father, you both are very busy, I think you should go to her, he called out to his mother and ran after her, kissed her cheek and said he will go with her, she smiled and held his hand tightly and both went in.

I felt relieved seeing that gesture, especially when my mum is no more, and I know the feeling of her not being around.


Sitting at the table with my parents and the church ministers, I was thinking what Nancy had said to me.

This girl surprises me each time, she has such a good heart who cares for everyone, cares for me, my mum. Nancy looked so beautiful in her lime green dress, with white sandals and her hair loosely clipped, curls lying loosely around her face.

Her lips so soft and beautiful. Mum turned around and asked, my baby what made you change your mind, I did not mind, when you told me of your desire to sit with the team. I said Mum, Nancy told me that it was not right to say no to your mum, after all, Dad and I are always away on business trips and you are the one left out.

My First Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora