RAW's Road #1

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Pyro blasts as Tom Phillips, Dio Madden, and Samoa Joe welcome us. 

Tom: WELCOME EVERYBODY, TO TONIGHTS RAW! And we are on the Road To Wrestlemania! 

Dio: Before we hit the gas, we have to take a stop at Elimination Chamber. 

Tom: Indeed we do, and the main story coming out of THAT, are the actions of one Charlotte Flair. 

*Elimination Chamber Logo flashes*

We cut to see Liv Morgan looking for the Liv Kick. 

She connects and covers her.



Dio: Liv keeps her spot at Wrestlemania! 

The screen goes gray as Charlotte suddenly attacks Liv from behind!

Joe: And there is Charlotte, taking her shot. 

Charlotte starts attacking Liv's legs and gets a chair on BOTH...

Dio: Charlotte NO!


She leaps from the middle rope and stomps on one! She does it AGAIN on the other one! 

Quick cut to Charlotte hitting Natural Selection to Liv on a chair! 

Tom: And The Queen sending a message...

*That shows logo flashes again, we are back to the arena*

Tom: We will hear from Charlotte in just a moment, but guys Liv may not be 100% at the moment, and Charlotte COULD do more damage. 

Joe: Hold on, MAY not? I've taken assaults similar to that and I can say she DEFINITELY is not 100%. She just has to heal up, watch her back, study, and everything is going to be fine. 

Dio: I just don't understand why Charlotte had to do what she did. If she's as good as she says she is, she shouldn't be jumping nobody from behind. 

Joe: Dio, Charlotte does it just to do it. She's just won her 16th women's championship a while ago and has that same confidence Cena got after he came back about a year ago. 

Tom: Byron must be furious—anyways (he'll finish after)...

Recognition by CFO$ Plays

Charlotte enters to a mix of cheers, WOOOOO's, and booes.

Tom: (finishing) the RAW Women's Champion, Charlotte Flair. 

Charlotte makes her walk, down. 

Dio: She's looking real proud of herself her tonight. 

Joe: I bet your right, I've never watched Charlotte regret anything. 

She enters the ring, and raises the RAW Women's Title. She calls for a mic as we hear someone shout "oh boy here we go again." 

Charlotte: Liv Morgan should have known she had no chance the moment she won the rumble and watched me raise my championship. I'm a 16 time women's champion, one of the best female athletes in the world today...and can someone tell me what Liv's done? *booes pick up* Oh, win a rumble? Been there done that. Beat Natalya? Been there done that. And I'm glad Liv's actually trying to keep her promise a couple years ago after she said she'd come back better than ever...after I beat her. Since then I've still remained on top out of the both of us. Funny how that works. So what I did at Elimination Chamber? I did to stop Liv from being embarrassed, on the biggest stage, by YOUR ACTUAL QUEEN. *more booes* And when you make it to Wrestlemania, there's no IF you get defeated, it's a matter of when....when you get defeated, you will make like the rest of the RAW Women's Division, and BOW DOWN TO THE QUEEN....

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