"Promise me something Little Keith," she tells the bundle in her arms softly, "take care of your Mama Wyatt. She is having a bit of a bad time, struggling with a lot of demons. If I'm not here much longer, you must take care of her. You also must help me look after Mama Wyatt, she managed to forget her own birthday." She kisses Keith's head, putting the baby into her crib. I quietly walk over to Athena, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her flush against my body. I press a kiss to her neck, nuzzling into it as I look down at the sleeping baby. Keith looks so peaceful and free; I never want her to feel differently. Athena suddenly turns in my arms, cupping my face in her hands.

"Happy 22nd birthday." She whispers to me softly. I smile at her, kissing her with so much love and passion it makes me a little dizzy. "I love you." She informs me in a soft voice, making my heart flutter. I allow my hands to slide from her back to her thighs, lifting her as she wraps her legs around my waist. She lets out a soft giggle at my action. I spin and walk to the bed, falling into it with her in my arms. I kick off my boots, pull my jacket off, and cuddle into her.

"I love you too." I kiss her again, showering every part of her face in kisses. She strokes my cheeks with her thumbs, a loving motion that starts to lull me to sleep. I allow myself to succumb to the void of darkness, falling into it.

I shouldn't be here.

"Wynnona!" Athena's voice calls out for me, mixed with the voice of Artemis. They call me, calling me back to where I should be, safe and sound with them. I turn to look behind me. They both stand there, but the next moment they vanish from my sight. I turn back to look in front of me to see myself.

This version of me feels different, colder, crueler. Her hair is darker than mine, her eyes surrounded in black. Her eyes are a deep shimmering gold and a bloody crimson, shimmering with promises of pain and suffering. Her boots are perfect and clean, her black jeans hugging her slim legs. She wears a tight red tank top that highlights her curves and breasts, no jacket or necklace or tattoos.

"Well, aren't you pathetic." Her voice is harsher than mine, cutting like a freshly sharpened knife.

"What is this?" I ask myself.

"Come back to us Wynnona!" Giovanni's voice calls out to me. I turn, ready to run into his protective arms when this dark me grabs my chin harshly, forcing me to look at her. She holds my chin in a vise like grip, not letting go.

"This is your wake up call." She says harshly. "You need me, I'm the only thing that can help you get revenge on Gunther, Florence. On Needledrop." Her voice has turned sultry, tempting. I wanted to take her offer, but I don't even know what that is.

"Who are you?" I ask, slapping her hand away from my face and taking a step back.

"I'm you as you are me." She tells me with a velvety laugh. "If you want technical terms, I'm the darkest part of you, the part that knows how to use your powers for what you really need to do." She grabbed my wrist aggressively, this feeling of burning searing up my arm. My lips open in a silent scream as I rip my arm away. She lets out an evil cackle as she fades away, leaving me with this mark on my arm. I grasp it close to my chest as voices begin to echo around me.

Before I can figure out what they are saying or mean, something cold hits my face and I wake up.

I sputter as I sit up, wiping the cold water from my face as I gasp for air. Giovanni holds a now empty glass; Athena sits beside me one hand on my thigh to comfort me.

"I was so worried." She says softly, wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders. I hug her close as well, looking at Giovanni. He scratches at his wrist, a wrist hidden from my view by his long-sleeved shirt. I lift my arm to him, showing him the large handprint that was burned into my wrist. He silently lifts his sleeve, showing me the same on his wrist. I then notice Jake is in the room, putting Keith back to sleep.

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