1- Meet The Baby

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                The Hospital gave me a car seat to use for Milana and I loaded her up in my car. I quickly sent a text out that said "Meet everyone at my house in 30 with big surprise!"  I quickly drove home and put the baby in the kitchen as she was asleep. About 20 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over and opened it up to see my family along with Marissa. 

               "Come in everyone!" Everyone came in the door and I got everyone settled on the couch. "Okay everyone, I have been talking about adopting a baby right?" My mom smiled big "Oh my god...are you finally going to adopt a baby!?" I smile "Yes and..." I walk into the kitchen and carefully get Milana out of her seat. I walk out cradling the baby and a collective gasp fills the room. "I want everyone to meet Milana Lovato." Marissa screeched a little and Dallas shot up. "I WANT THE BABY!!" Dallas yelled. I giggled and carefully handed her over to Dallas.

                  "Oh my gosh Demi!! Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful!! How did you end up with her??" Mom asked. I smile "I was out for my daily run and I heard crying from an alley. I followed it and found this little beauty in the alley in a box." Mom gasped "Oh my god! Thank god you found her!" I nodded "I know!!" The baby slowly got passed around to everyone until she got fussy. "Shit...I don't have any supplies." My mom perked up "Let's go shopping! We have a few hours of daylight left! Plus baby shopping is amazing!!" 

               We all got our things together and went out shopping with Milana. She was calm the entire time and we got so many new things for her. She is already one spoiled little princess!!

 She is already one spoiled little princess!!

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                       We came back home and put all the new things in the guest bedroom that would soon become a nursery for the baby

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                       We came back home and put all the new things in the guest bedroom that would soon become a nursery for the baby. Mom, dad, Maddie, and Dallas all headed back towards home and Marissa decided to stay the night just in case I needed any help.

                    We put the baby in pajama's and started a feeding session. She is incredibly small so preemie clothes are a little big on her. She managed to finish an entire 2oz bottle before she was ready to go to sleep.

                   "You ready for the mom life Dems? You seem to really love her." I look down at the baby on my chest. "I'm definitely ready for this." Marissa smiles and says "Well then I will be here every step of the way. If you need a sitter, a friend, or a helper...I will be right here." I smile back at Marissa "And that's why you are my best friend. 

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