I opened my eyes, searching the room for Eva and saw her catch eye contact with me as the guy pulled her up.

I nodded at her and within seconds, we both swung our legs up, our knees colliding with their crotch sending them both back, stumbling in to one another in pain and eventually falling to the ground.

"Run!" Eva screeched, grabbing a whole of my hand she yanked me out of the room with her. We ran down the hall, not knowing where to go, we just ran.

We ran past a steel door, it was the same door we had once been behind "Wait! The girls!"

Eva hesitantly stopped before coming back to me, I lifted the bar that had locked the door from the outside, the door opened shedding light in the room seeing the girls sat on the ground

"Hurry!" I said in a hushed whisper, they were quick to comply as they all left the room one by one.

Not knowing where to go, we all followed Eva, she had been here the longest and said she was familiar with the halls and so we made our way down.

"Shh" she whispered, peering around the corner as the voices of men was heard.

She gestured for us to carry on, one by one passing the door so that we didn't get caught and so we complied, on our tip toes making the least amount of noise.

Ahead of us was a ladder which was pinned to the wall, the ceiling had a square outline which was able to be moved and with no further deliberating, we all took turns going up the ladder.

I popped open the top, revealing daylight as we all quickly climbed up.

We were on the roof of the building, the entire city was ahead of us and the roof had brick walls to protect us from falling from as we neared the edge.

"What now? It's too high of a jump and there's no ledge" I spoke, turning to Eva who looked just as confused.

All the pain in my body had disappeared at this point as the only focus was the escape.

I turned around to see Carolina, Maria and the two other girls who had been drugged up and taken, now stood along the brick wall, looking out in to the distance.

"Anything?" I asked them and they all shook their heads no.

"There's gotta be a way" I whispered to myself as I ran a hand through my hair out of stress.

"Sav! Check this out!" I heard Eva call making me look over, she was stood by the 3 big barrels that were in the corner, connected to pipes as she looked out at the view.

I approached her and just as I asked her what the matter was, I heard shouting.

I had no time, as soon as I turned around to look in to the distance towards the voice, my hand flew to my mouth as I saw a group of men all now on the roof, holding guns.

They aimed right at the girls who were stood on the wall, shot after shot, they fell.

I felt Eva pull me back and we were now hidden behind the barrels, I tried breaking free to try and get back to Maria who was the only one still alive as she struggled to get back up but Eva held me back. In the process of me struggling, I felt a sharp pain in the side of my leg as if I had been sliced with a knife however, my focus was on them.

They had shot them.

The two girls I had yet to learn the names off had fallen back and off of the roof, the sound of a loud bang filled my ears making me squeeze my eyes shut.

Carolina laid on the ground in a pool of her own blood and Maria laid near her, sobbing in pain.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

The men continued talking, looking around the roof as they discovered we were missing.

"Spread out! They will be in the building somewhere, the drop is too high for them to have survived that. Now!" One of them commanded and with that, they all left the roof.

As Eva let go off me, I jumped up ignoring the burning feeling in my leg, I stumbled over to the girls.

"No" I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks as i rested Maria's head on my lap.

They didn't deserve this. They died in front of me and I didn't even do anything to help them.

"They're gone. We need to get out of here, now." She was so monotone, I looked up at her with tears in my eyes with confusion on my face from how she held no remorse.

"What is wrong with you? Do you not see what has happened?" I asked her as she turned to walk towards the barrels once again.

"I've seen a lot, this is sad but at least they were put out of their misery. Now are you coming or not?"

I looked down at at Maria in my arms, with a final glance I rested her head in the ground and stood up. I couldn't even look at it for any longer because it made me feel sick to my stomach. They were once alive, maybe not well, but they were alive. And now they were gone.

Out of their misery.

Hold Tight |Jason McCann|Where stories live. Discover now