A Day of Monastery Life

Start from the beginning

"Neither am I, we can be bad together" Byleth rebutted. 

Dimitri chuckled at her comment "Alright I just wanted to give you forewarning, now lets be on our way I'd hate to keep the choir instructor waiting" Dimitri said, and they went on their way to the cathedral to join Hilda. 

The choir practice lasted roughly an hour once they were released Hilda turned to Byleth "That was fun! but I feel like we should have had a cute dance to go with it! Anyways, I'll see you later Byleth!" Hilda said while waving goodbye. 

Dimitri turned to Byleth and began telling her how singing was not easy "Say Byleth" Dimitri said taking a break from discussing singing "Would you like to accompany me in the dining hall?" Dimitri asked "I've worked up quite an appetite after that rehearsal" Dimitri added.

"Of course" Byleth said and the two of them made their way to the dining hall.

Dimitri and Byleth stayed together in the dining hall for quite some time, they were discussing their upcoming mission and how the Blue Lion class needs to work harder because real life battle is unpredictable. Byleth and Dimitri finally said their goodbyes and Byleth left from the dining hall.

The sun had already begun to set and Byleth realized she needed to do the gardening for Hilda. Byleth made her way into the greenhouse and in there she saw Edelgard staring at the flowers that had begun to bloom, Edelgard turned around and jumped up in fright when she saw Byleth "Byleth!?" Edelgard stammered "You frightened me you really should have made your presence known" Edelgard said to Byleth. 

"Ah I'm sorry, you seemed entranced by the flowers and I didn't want to disturb" Byleth said apologetically. 

Edelgard let out a laugh "Oh I'm only teasing you"Edelgard laughed. Once Edelgards laughter died down the two of them sat in silence both unsure of what to say to the other, Byleth felt a bit uneasy at times when ever she was around Edelgard, she could never figure out what she was thinking and it made Byleth uncomfortable she thought as she started to tend to the plants. "Byleth you don't mind if I stay in here do you?" Edelgard asked.

"not at all" Byleth said quickly "I'm glad, I know some people might find my presence to be a bit intimidating, it gets rather lonely when everyone your age runs away from you" Edelgard sighed. Byleth felt a pang of guilt hit her, maybe she had been to quick to judge her, "Anyways" Edelgard changed the subject "How are you liking the Blue Lions house?" She inquired "I still think that you would have been a valuable asset to the Black Eagles house, but oh well" Edelgard sighed "You know if you ever get tired of being in that house you can always switch into another house" Edelgard added. 

"Really?" Byleth questioned "Hmph I suppose Dimitri didn't tell you about that for a reason" Edelgard rumbled "Regardless I'm sure you will eventually see that my house is the superior choice" Edelgard added with a chuckle "Well I've taken up enough of your time Byleth, Thank you for keeping me company I'll see you around" Edelgard said.

"Have a good night Edelgard" Byleth said.

After Edelgard left Byleth sat in silence for a few minutes thinking about what Edelgard had said, maybe Byleth would be better suited in a different class, regardless of her doubts Byleth still didn't think the Black Eagles house would be better suited for her. 

Once Byleth finished with tending to the green house she went out to the dock and just sat there with her feet in the water "Good evening Byleth" Byleth turned around and saw Lysithea. 

"Hello Lysithea, would you like to join me?" Lysithea nodded and took a seat on the dock by Byleth "You know Byleth, you really shouldn't be out so late you might catch a cold" Lysithea scolded. 

"You're right" Byleth sighed. 

"I know we don't really know one another" Lysithea said "but are you doing ok? you seem a bit off today".

Byleth paused for a second and told Lysithea of what happened with Edelgard in the greenhouse "Hmmm, It seems to me she wanted to psych you out so you would join her class" Lysithea said "If I were you I'd stick to that class they seem like a good bunch" She added "In fact I've been wanting to join your class on a mission so I could see if joining the Blue Lions would be a good choice for me " Lysithea said. Byleth told Lysithea that she would tell Dimitri so that Lysithea would be ok to join them for it, and that she was certain the Blue Lions would be glad to have her if she did join.

After chatting for a while longer Byleth and Lysithea parted ways for the night. Byleth made her way to her room for the night, Byleth felt a little stupid for having gotten so worked up over Edelgards words she felt grateful that Lysithea talked sense into her before she impulsively switched into another class. Before Byleth went to bed she decided to read the book her father gave her to help with her tactics for her upcoming mission, she read a few chapters into it before her eyes grew heavy and Byleth drifted off to sleep.

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