I.; "my baby couldn't do this"

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Jason leaned more into the leather chair and let out small, unnoticeable sight. He has seen this exact scene zillion times, maybe even more than zillion times. He remembered every move which Tom Cruise's hand did. Every sentence which got out of Brad Pitt's mouth was engraved in his mind like a name of the dead person into the gravestone and so there was absolutely no reason to pay any kind of attention to the ongoing story. He knew exactly when he's going to have to change the tape, so the audience would be able to quietly and in utter peace watch the movie.

If he had to be completely honest, he hated his current job. He wasn't even fond the new wave of wannabe horror movies. Who was he to watch movie about two vampires, fighting over a custody of a brat and immortality or about redneck who can't deal with his own problems? Teenage girl? Where were people like Bella Lugosi or Boris Karloff, people able to sent shivers down your spine within two seconds on the screen? Each time he saw the schedule of the screening (where appeared to be more than enough of movies with words vampire, love or romance) he wanted to leave the cinema never ever come back. But he couldn't. The mortgage, which happened to be inseparable part of his life after he bought the new house just few miles away from the city center was haunting him like a nightmare and he couldn't afford the be without money and be basically depended only on Hanna and her paycheck.

Actually, if there wasn't Hanna, none of this would be happening. He could play the bass with bandmates, he could be free, without mortgage and uselessly big, slowly but surely breaking down house . And also, maybe dead. No, there was no doubt about the fact he would actually be dead without Hanna. If there wasn't Hanna, he could have simply die in the car crash, because none of the people, who witnessed the whole accident, were brave or smart enough to at least call an ambulance. They just stood there, horror in the eyes and watched bleeding, half-dead people getting out of the burning cars. Only one person stopped their car, got out and as quickly as human being was able to and tried to treat the injured one. The one person was no one, but Hanna. She saved him that day and no surprise that he was pretty much convinced that this is the woman he has always been dreaming about. The one, the right one, the angel sent from the heaven to save his self from self-destruction. And so a few years later, she became his girlfriend and even fiancee.

The same woman who was occupying Jason's mind, quietly have been standing for good five minutes behind him and with small grin on her lips has been watching alternately between dying Tom Cruise and her spouse, who has been obviously dying inside.

,,Interview with the Vampire? Jesus, how many times have you seen this movie, baby?" she suddenly whispered next to Jason's ear, making Jason jump off the chair.

The cabin of projectionist immediately filled the sweet sound of Hanna's giggles and Jason's heart beat faster from the excitement, caused by the unexpected visit. In the very next moment, he pulled her into tight embrace of his, that showed nothing but the loneliness deep inside of him.

,,Goddamn Hanna, you're going to be the death of mine." mumbled Jason into Hanna's hair with happy tone in voice and gently kissed her forehead. ,,I thought you have night shift today."

,,I switched it with Patricia. I told her we have an anniversary today." replied Hanna casually without looking up at Jason. ,,I thought it could be cute surprise, you know, if I came over to cheer you a bit before we will head out back to home and have nice dinner with Gaia."

,,Of course it's cute, baby. It's the cutest anniversary gift I've ever received." responded Jason with smile across his face and slightly pulled away from Hanna. His eyes fell on her outfit, made out of plain, red velvet dress, with black tights, black high heels and jumper he gave her last Christmas and if he wasn't in public and of course, in front Hanna, one naughty tear could easily slide down his cheek. Sometimes he wondered what has he done to deserve to share his life with someone with such a beautiful soul and appearance as Hanna. ,,But I have to finish my lovely session with vampires first."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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