A bit of shopping for a new start

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Y/n's POV

After a few minutes of concentrating and practicing of my quirk,I went to my secret hideout to sleep goodnight

I woke up from my little alarm clock and quickly changed clothes,coming quietly out of the base

Quickly,I ran until I got into the halls,I just kept walking,not actually pretending to be what I really need to be for my acting since Todoroki might see me walking past class 1-G's classroom

And so it was. He saw me past,I'm busted.

"Isnt your classroom there?the bell has rang already." He said
"Oh,sorry,I'm just going to the restroom." I said,and thank God he just nodded(again)and walked away without noticing me lying

I then went to the principal's office and  asked if I can be in a class,and since he is so kind,the principal accepted me,but before I went out of his office,he asked,"What kind of hero do you want to be,Y/n?"

"I want to be a hero that helps others and fights villains." And he let me out

So he let me transfer to 1-A,of course that Todoroki still knows what I look like,so I decided to buy some hair dye

Time skip at the mall

I already bought a (f/c)hair dye and a white hair dye, until I saw a shop

"LIMITED EDITION COLOR-CHANGING HOODIES!!!" I yelled(whispered) and ran directly towards the shop,I saw a lot of girls buying hoodies and some guys,of course I picked a f/c one that changes to a/f/c when cold and f/c when hot

It only costs some thousand dollars but it's still worth it

After a good 2 hours of shopping I went to find an apartment that's at a low price since I only have like 500 dollars left in my wallet,but before I could find one,i began to suddenly feel tired,I went inside an empty alley and tried to rest,I suddenly felt a presence of a guy with like a whole body burn on his body

"Oh" he said,I tried to not breathe or move so it looks like I'm a corpse

"Nahhh,why bother" then he left,after a minute,I decided to just find a cozy,cheap apartment

Time skip made by allmight dancing hip hop

After I woke up in my apartment,I do my morning doings while dyeing my hair and slip on my uniform and went outside,my apartment is actually consists of 4 rooms,a living room,a kitchen,a bathroom,and a simple bedroom

When I got out,taking my keys off my apartment doorknob and meeting a green eyed boy in the same uniform as mine

"Oh hey! You must also be studying at Yuuei right?"

I didn't respond,just walked away and went to Yuuei,it's actually Friday, I  just went for some ice cream since it's still early

As I walk through the hallway,I saw a particular green hair and a white-haired hair towards the direction im at,quickly,i went inside the classroom,not knowing they were also going there

I sat at the very,very back and the others just look at me weirdly,suddenly,someone with raccoon eyes went to my seat

"Heeey! Were you the one who shouted in our classroom two literal days ago?" She asked,she has an overall pink body,I was almost about to say something,I was interrupted by a man in a yellow Caterpillar-like cocoon

"Mina,stop teasing the new girl,introduce here in front please" the man said,I think he's that Aizawa-sensei  principal Nezu talked about as our homeroom teacher

I walked up to the chalkboard
"I'm (Y/L/N),my quirk still doesn't have a name,please be kind,nice to meet you all" I said "any questions?" Sensei asked,the half haired guy raised his hand,"yes Todoroki?"so its Todoroki,hmmm,he seems cu-wait What!!! "I've seen her already,but when she saw me,she said she's from class G,why is she here then?"

I said that"im still wandering Yuuei and still doesn't know what class I'm in since principal Nezu still didn't told me what class I'm going to be" I said and he nodded (he still does remember my face,I kinda hate it),I went to my seat since no one asked a thing after him,and I'm glad he got into my lies

After some minutes of homeroom class,the bell rang and homeroom is finally over

After classes I was still silent,trying not to get too much attention

Sorry guys as seen on the A/n note,I'm really sorry for not uploading sooner,so guess what'll happen next,check out on the next chapterrrrrrr

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