Prepping for the Big Fight

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(After school)

(In the girls' locker room)

After lunch, Andre and Beck spread the word that there will be a CFC fight coming to Hollywood Arts with Ember Steele coming to fight with Tori. In the school girls' locker room. Tori and Jade were on the opposite ends of where the entrance and exit is and both brought their own uniforms for this occasion. Jade looks at her girl and she can tell she is a bit nervous and worried. "Babe? You okay?" Jade asked her. "I don't know if I can do this." Tori simply tells the young goth. "What do you mean?" Jade asked again. "Jade, when I was Shelby Marx, I had no problem fighting my opponents, but now that everyone knows the real her, I don't feel like I can fight." She explained to her girlfriend. Jade pats down on the bench. "Come sit." Jade tells her and Tori sits next to her.

"Look, Tori. This is not just about saving your reputation as the famed Shelby Marx. This is about us defending our relationship when those two airheads challenged you. I know it's a lot on your plate right now, but we have to set that aside." Jade reminded her. "It's not just about that, Jade." Tori told her. "Then what is it?" Jade asked. "I promised myself that I would never fight again." Tori let it out. "Ever since I retired from the CFC and let the whole world know who Shelby Marx really is, I gave that all up so I can just be Tori Vega enjoying her high school life in Hollywood Arts with my two best friends and my girlfriend. But ever since Hayley and Terra came back, it's just too much for me to bare." She then explained. "So that is why you don't want to fight now. It's because you're afraid of bringing back Marx in your mental state." Jade simplified. Tori simply nodded. "Come here." Jade said as she opens her arm. Tori scoots closer to Jade and her girlfriend held her in her arms.

"It's not gonna happen because you and I are gonna do this fight together. I may be Ember Steele out there and even though it was a dream of mine to fight next to Shelby in a double tag team fight, I rather go out there in this fight with my Tori Vega. Because she is more stronger than Marx ever could. You fought a hard psychological fight in your mind because of this and now you can win this fight without Marx." She assured and soothed Tori. The young Latina simply smiled. "You really think I can do this, Jade?" She asked her. "I know you can, Tor. And in truth, you're my new hero and my idol." Jade answered. Tori simply kisses her on the cheek. "Thanks, Jade. You are the best." Tori thanked her

They hear the doors opening. "Tori. Jade. It's time." Tori's mother tells them. "We'll be out, Mom." Tori tells her mother. She then turns her attention back to Jade. "You ready to do this, Jade?" She asked the young goth. "Let's kick their butts." Jade replied and they both get up and head out the locker rooms and into the roaring crowd who are waiting for the fight of their life.

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