Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Hope everyone's okay from Hurricane Sandy and everything. I know, fast upload, but I was bored and had some writing time :) I have homework to do now, so yeah -_- I had a 5-day weekend because of Sandy though, so I'm not complaining :)

Anyways, covers are due NOVEMBER 6TH. Still haven't gotten even ONE cover :( Come on guys, even if you don't think it's good, SEND IT IN. PLEASEEEE. :/

On with the chapter! Don't hate me for this next part. Nothing bad happens, you'll just be mad I didn't say what happened after ;)


Thanks for reading, and VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, MESSAGE. :) Love you guys!

xoxooxoxoxox, morgan~


We were just laying there, and then I got this warm feeling. My wolf was like, urging me to get on top of him so I did. We ended up making out and then he just bit me. At first I was pissed as hell, and I went into the bathroom to look at it, but I talked to my wolf and she helped me see I didn't really have a reason to be mad. So we made up and now I'm marked.” I said quickly, beaming as I touched my mark again.

Sam's eyes darkened a little bit, but then quickly lightened again after she learned I wasn't mad at Erik anymore.

Well, that sounds so cute!” she gushed, and I laughed at her girlyness.

But Sam, I have something to ask you,” I stated, not forgetting my last conversation with her.

Yeah, what is it?”

Do you have anything to do with the hunters?”


Erik's POV

I sighed. Another perfect moment, taken away from me. I thought to myself.

Yeah. Another perfect moment, taken away from you. Why didn't you just say it before you marked her? Alphas these days. Sheesh. My wolf butted into my thoughts.

I don't know, I answered truthfully. I was too caught up in well, Rose.

Look, I know she's beautiful, she's our mate. But seeing how as you haven't even mated -

She's not ready for that!

Okay, okay, calm down. Even without mentioning that, you should at least take her on a date before you tell her you love her!

Yeah, I know, but nothing around here is good enough for her.

Look, Erik, I like your mindset about Rose. But seriously. Just take her somewhere nice. Or get creative. It's California, for crying out loud!

I groaned in frustration, when all of a sudden I got the brightest idea. Taking out my phone, I called Rose.

“Hello?” she answered on the first ring.

“Hey, Rose, are you busy later?” I asked hopefully.

“Hmmm, let me check my calendar,” she joked.

I chuckled. “Seriously though, are you?”

“Yeah, I'm free.” she said, giggling.

“Okay, well be in the dorm room at 7, okay? I have something I want to do. Make sure you bring a bathing suit, towel, and change of clothes okay?” I told her.

Ring Around [BEING EDITED] - Mistwater Chronicles #2Where stories live. Discover now