Netflix and chill

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Lisa p.o.v

I got up from the step and went into the house "wow its already put together" the new furniture looks very nice i went up to my new room my bed is pretty big for a girl who is 4'10 it was hard  to get up on the bed i layed down and decided to take a shower,once i got out i put on lotion and put on a oversized white t- shirt with sweats I put my aripods in and played fancy by twice(play the music👆🏽up top) I took off my aripods to hear my grandma yelling down stairs"Lisa come down we have people who came over" grandma yelled "OK" i say as im coming down i see two boys one with cornrows and looked like my age and another boy with a big afro and looked like he was 17 or 18 and a man that looks like their grandfather
Riley p.o.v
A girl starts coming down the stairs she so short she looked like a good 4'9 or 4'10 and she so cute i looked over at huey he had a faint blush on his face once she got down she looked at me and huey and she went behind her grandma "damn she shy" i thought "this is my granddaughter lisa" "h-hi" lisa said with her head down "hi lisa these are my two grandsons huey and riley" "hey" huey said "sup" i say she lookes up a lil "hi" she said and looked back down again i looked over at huey and mouthed to him" i wanna make her mines" huey looked at me wit a stank face and mouthed yea..i do to.. "why don't you kids go up stairs and get to know each better" grandad suggest"ight"  "lead the way lisa" huey said
Lisa p.o.v
Ok i say i leas them up to my room i got on my bed while huey and riley infornt of me "how old are u" they asked "i-im 15" "o nice u my age" riley said happy "h-huey how old are you?" I asked why am i sturrting so much?"im 17" "o" then there Was a little silence "w-wanna watch Netflix?" "Yea" they said, they sat next to me huey on my left and riley on my right i put it on stranger things and we started to watching that then all of a sudden huey pinned me down to the bed with lust in his eyes "h-huey?"...

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